I had a great experience creating this podcast assignment. I learned new things about First Nations people and the difficulties they face. An example of this is when I found out that children on reserves get $4000 less for their education than kids in cities. This was very surprising.
With the new resources I found out about for research, it became very easy and quick to find information on indigenous people stereotypes and discrimination. We used the website Gale. It is very accurate and the articles are written by credited authors. We found plenty of information that we used in our podcast.
The obstacles we faced in making this podcast was having no experience creating a podcast before. We followed the steps that the assignment showed for a podcast and it ended up good. That was our only challenge because everything else went smoothly.
The core competency I used was critical thinking. My podcast ties to what I have learned before in social studies class and in middle school. It talks about the mistreatment of the First Nations and how they are depicted in some places in Canada. My thinking changed about the First Nations people and what they go through. I thought the hardest part of being indigenous was the residential school. I did not realize there are stereotypes attached with being indigenous.
Below is our podcast.
Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:
– All elements of the assignment’s post were properly uploaded
– Reflection on blog is limited, could have been expanded upon
– Good job blending in music and adjusting volumes
– Bit of background noise throughout
– Both seem well spoken and practiced
– Somewhat clear audio and delivery
– Podcast is completed
Overall, this assignment had some strong characteristics, while some areas could have been improved upon. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher