Have you wondered what everything is made of?

my first article, I read the essay What is everything made of? by Charles Sebens the title caught my attention as the question that it asks is one that can have multiple points of view and be the base of many interesting conversations. The perpouse of this essay is too inform and reeducate people with new resources and information we have today instead of keep going off of outdated and inaccurate information. “If the electron does not interact with itself, how can we explain the energy loss?” I like this hook he put halfway through the article before his next point. I like it because it makes you really think and try to use the information provided to try and make your own conclusion or hypothesis and this  subject. “Long before philosophy and physics split into separate career paths, the natural philosophers of Ancient Greece speculated about the basic components from which all else is made. Plato entertained a theory on which everything on Earth is made from four fundamental particles. There are stable cube-shaped particles of earth, pointy and painful tetrahedron-shaped particles of fire, somewhat less pointy octahedron-shaped particles of air, and reasonably round icosahedron-shaped particles of water.” I also really was intrigued by this descriptive imagery, as it gives you a clear description of what he’s talking about while also giving it a fun twist at the same time. It also allowed me to make more connections and have a deeper understanding of the article. I would recommend this article to someone. As It gave me new insights into the science aspect of the world and what everything is made of. So if you’re someone who likes science and wants to learn more and why certain things are the way they are, this would be a good read.