PODCAST 4: Les Histoire de la Succes. Cette semaine dans l’emision finale dans la serie, Je partage des histore que les gens ont partager avec mois. Ces histoires sont partager
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I have a personal interest in firearms, and how they work. Most automatic firearms work as a gas operated weapon, or a blowback weapon. Gas operated firearms work by using the
My name is Sammy Sperm, I was born in Testical General Hospital. I have dreamt of go to Vaginaland to meet Ms. Ovum, I have it all mapped out too.
I am Smith-Magenis Syndrome, I am a genetic mutation on chromosome 17. Unlike down syndrome, I am a genetic mutation of chromosome 17, not copy of it as down syndrome is the
What is the genetic code? The genetic code, letter wise, is my name. The code is as follows: Z= Purple Orange Purple A= Green Pink Purple C= Purple Green Orange H=
Hydro Electricity Hydro electricity is electricity produced when water passes through specialized turbines at a high rate of speed at a hydroelectric dam. The large reservoir behind the dam is
What is DNA? DNA is the main component of our cells, they are double helix shaped and contain sugar/phosphate strands and the ladder parts contain group pairings of 4 different