Thoughts on Data Analysis 2017

  • Explain what role you think statistics have in our society.

Statistics have a large impact and are very important in our society. Also our opinions are very often influenced by statistics, whether it’s true or false.


  • Explain anything new that you have learned about the importance of statistics in our society.

From the article, I’ve learned that statistics have a great deal of power in our world because people everywhere want to know the opinions of others. Also, I learned that even when some statistics are true, the type of wording can make the results misleading.


  • Describe the different types of problems with statistics

Some problems are that while some statistics are true, others are not. You could be fed false information from the survey. There are also unfair poll questions that are worded in a negative or positive way in order to get a certain response.

11.1 Factors Influencing Data Collection

When I first read the article, I thought maybe the colour could have an impact on the buyer or maybe you wanted the one that your friends bought but after learning about influential factors, I now think that it was biased because there are only two colours, blue and yellow. Also, another factor is privacy because maybe not everyone contributed to the survey since they know that it wasn’t going to be private and their answers will be shared with the student council. In the future, when reading and interpreting survey data I will take each influencing factor into account to make sure that the information I’m reading is reliable.

Saving Money

1. List 3 things you spend money on each month that would be fixed expenses.

  • Insurance
  • Mortgage/rent
  • Property taxes

2. List 3 things you spend money on each month that would be variable expenses.

  • New clothes
  • Entertainment
  • Eating out

3. If you needed to save some money, how could you change your spending?

You could use the “Pay Yourself First” method. To pay yourself first means; before you pay your bills, buy groceries, or anything else, set aside a portion of your income to save.

4. How much money could you save in a month without giving up too much?

Depending on how much money you make, you could put 10% of your weekly or monthly salary into a savings account.

Something I learned this week

This week, I learned about exponent laws, among many other things.

  • I learned how to multiply powers with the same base

When multiplying powers with the same base, you add the exponents.

Ex: 6^4\cdot6^8

= 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

= 6^{12}

Another way to evaluate this:


= 4+8


  • I learned how to divide powers with the same bass

When dividing powers with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

Ex: 2^7\div2^4

= 7-4

= 2^3

  • And I learned about the power of a power

To raise a power of a power, you multiply the exponents.

Ex: (8^5)^3

= (8^5)(8^5)(8^5)

= 8^5+^5+^5

= 8^{15}

or: (8^5)^3

= (8^5)(8^5)(8^5)

= 8^5\cdot^3

= 8^{15}

Word Problems with Fractions

Blog assignment


Question:  Hannah bought a box of cheese pizza and Joel bought a box of pepperoni pizza. The cheese pizza had 8 slices and the pepperoni pizza had 12 slices.

Hannah ate 5/8 of the cheese pizza and 4/12 of the pepperoni pizza.

Joel ate 3/8 of the cheese pizza and 6/12 of the pepperoni pizza.

a)Who ate more pizza?

b)How many pizza slices were left?



Step 1 – Analyse the equation of pizza slices ate by Hannah

5/8 + 4/12


Step 2 – Find a common denominator for 8 and 12. In this case, the common denominator is 24.


Step 3 – Since the common denominator is 24, you have to multiply 8 by 3 and 12 by 2.

Whatever you do to the bottom number (denominator), you have to do the same to the top number (numerator) so the 5 in 5/8 also has to be multiplied by 3 and the 4 in 4/12 also has to be multiplied by 2.

5(x3) / 8(x3)  +  4(x2) / 12(x2)

= 15/24  +  8/24


Step 4 – Add the numerators together and that will be your answer over 24.

15/24  +  8/24  =  23/24


Everything that you have done for Hannah, you have to do the same with Joel.

Joel:  3/8  +  6/12  (common denom. 24)

= 3(x3)/8(x3)  +  6(x2)/12(x2)

= 9/12  + 12/24  (add the numerators together)

= 21/24


Answer a) :    Hannah ate more pizza slices than Joel.

23/24  >  21/24


Step 5 – To find the answer for b), you have to subtract the fractions.

Bigger numerator minus (-) smaller numerator = how many slices are left.

23/24 – 21/24 = 2/24


Answer b) :    23/24  –  21/24  =  2/24

There are 2 more slices of pizza left.

My Digital Footprint

  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

a) If you post or comment something inappropriate online, it will stay online and follow you, for example, if you apply for schools like university or college they would probably search you up and find what you wrote or posted and wouldn’t want you at their school.

b) Another example is when you apply for a job and they search up your name and something bad that you did in your past shows up, they wouldn’t want to hire you and it would be harder to get a job.

footprint social-media-54536_1280-620x400

2. Describe three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

1- Make sure that you are writing/commenting or posting something appropriate, nice, and positive.

2- If you wouldn’t want your grandma to see it, don’t post it.

3- Only comment or say something when necessary


3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I’ve learned to always keep my accounts, files, etc. password protected, to post safe and appropriate things online, if necessary. I also learned that whatever I do online online will stay with me forever and it will be a part of my “Digital Portfolio”.

If i see that somebody is doing something wrong online, I would confront them, face to face, and tell them that what they are doing is wrong and tell them the right way to do something, if I know, and help them out.
