Words to Live By

“It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.”
– Joaquin Phoenix

I chose this quote because it resonates with what I believe in. After going vegetarian last year, my beliefs and ways changed and I now advocate for animals and animal rights. I love animals very much and they have always been a big part of my life. At the moment, I have 4 cats and 1 dog so things can get a little hectic at my house.

Philosophy – Reality

Something that you could do to experience new things is to do things by yourself; whether it’s going to a concert or a seminar by yourself, joining a club or activity, etc. Doing things by yourself will get you out of your comfort zone and will help you learn and experience things in a new and different way. Engaging yourself will help build character, ground you, and find confidence.

Something else you could do to expand your mind and knowledge is to do one thing that scares you a day. In doing so, you learn to overcome fear and be able to motivate and push yourself further and your mind is open to new things and, in a way, is now stronger, strengthened by the power of overcoming fear.

Act 1 – Review Exercise

15. How does Ben make Willy feel about himself? What qualities in Ben does Willy want for himself? For his sons? (p. 35)

Ben makes willy to feel regret. Because Ben offered him an opportunity to come with him and work with him in Alaska but Willy didn’t accept the offer because of Linda. Willy believes if he had taken that offer everything would have been different for himself and his family.

Willy wanted to be as rich and successful as his brother was in life. And he wanted to know all the answers how to reach success in life. because Willy believed one of Ben’s quality was that he knew everything about success. And the ways to reach them.

Willy wants his sons as same as their uncle Ben to use every opportunity that they see in their way and used them in the most effective way that can change their lives and reach their American dreams. And make them rich and successful businessman.


16. Biff tells Linda to “stop making excuses” for Willy. How does she defend Willy? Is she really making excuses for him? Explain. (p.41)

She defends Willy by sticking up to Biff for him and telling him that Willy “has never made a lot of money, his name was never in the paper, and he’s not the finest character that ever lived but he’s a human being and a terrible thing is happening to him. (p.56)”. Linda keeps going on about how people view Willy and how she will love him unconditionally. She told Biff that he can’t just come home to see her, because she loves Willy and she doesn’t want him to feel unwanted, low, and blue. She enlightens her sons on how their behaviour and lack of affection affects Willy, his mental state, and herself.

Up to this point, I believe that she is not making excuses for him and that her sons should be making more of an effort to connect with their father, considering he’s at a point in his life where his mental state and health is weak and according to Linda “he’s been trying to kill himself”. Knowing that Willy is not mentally healthy is what drives my belief that Linda is not making excuses for him, however, if you take that factor out and see the way that Willy treats his wife and kids, it’s understandable for Biff and Happy to be hostile and indirect towards Willy and angry at Linda because he believes that she’s “making excuses” for Willy.


17. Why is Willy so confident that Happy and Biff’s business plan will work? (p. 48) Why does Willy himself need their plan to work?

Biff isn’t declining the Happy’s idea for them to sell sporting goods – “Biff: I’m in great shape as far as that’s concerned” (p.63) Biff is making plans to see Oliver in the morning (p.64) Oliver and Biff are on good terms (p.64) “Biff: He did always like me. Always liked me. Linda: He loved you!”

Willy tells Biff what to do and what not to do; he tells him to lie about his previous job. “And if anything falls off the desk while you’re talking to him … don’t pick it up …” “Tell him you were in the business in the West. Not farm work.”

Willy wants Biff and Happy to have successful jobs and to make money. Willy is losing money trying to pay everything off, but it all keeps breaking (fridge, car); he needs them to get money. Willy tells Biff for “No less than fifteen thousand dollars.”

Problem Situation

  1. I believe John and Emily are deceiving themselves in thinking that they can do well in their oEnglsih classes because from what I’ve read, I can tell that their time management skills are not very well and they’re not organized. They are putting their sports and social lives first, instead of prioritizing school. This results in poor academic results and could lead to missed opportunities in the futur.
  2. They’re schedule makes it difficult for them to focus on school and get good grades. They are busy with sports and clubs, yet still not trying to make time for their academics.
  3. If they don’t do well on their English work, they’ll blame themeselves because it’s no one else’s fault but their’s for not managing their time and studies properly and putting everything before school. There is no one else to blame and they would learn from their mistake of not working hard in school when they see that they did not do well.
  4. If I were in their place, I would create a schedule for myself to stay organized and to have time to study and do homework. I would put school first, meaning if I had to study but I had a practice that night, I would talk to my coaches and discuss how I could go about the situation.

Play – Intro Questions

1. How is the American Dream characteristics of American ideals and philosophy? What are the differences between the materialistic and idealistic values associated with the American Dream?

It is characteristics of the American ideals and philosophy because they’re belief was that to have a good life you had to be part of the upper class and the way that the American Dream is portrayed is a shadow under their beliefs. The differences are that the materialistic values are mostly portrayed with having a nice house with a picket fence, a stable career, etc. to not stray from the social norms created by this dream, however the idealistic values of the dream creat opportunities to be more creative in life and to choose a path that fulfills your dreams, whether or not their within the society’s understanding and norms.

2. What was happening economically and socially in the United States in 1949? Was it fairly easy or difficult to get a job? What was America’s standing in the world?

In the United States in 1949, there was recession which caused a downfall in their economy. Since the men were off to fight in the war, the women had replaced them in the working field, meaning that when the soldiers returned, there would be no employment available. The government thus worked to balance the number of working men and women.

3. What is your definition of a salesman? How is a salesman different from someone in another occupation? What attitudes do you think a salesman should have to be successful? What attitudes would hinder him?

A salesman is a worker who either works in a store or is always on the go and their jobs involve selling or promoting products. A salesman earns an income based on how much business their generating. A few important characteristics that a good salesman should have are determination, confidence, respect, optimism, organization, and goal oriented. A few qualities that makes a salesman unsuccessful are disorganization, disrespect, rudeness, and lack of quality products.

4. What effects do the expectations of parents have on the behaviour of their children? In what ways might parental expectations be beneficial? In what ways might they be detrimental?

Parental expectations may be good, however when their dreams for their child turn into unattainable and high expectations and they overemphasis perfection. When perfection from their parents’ eyes are not reached, the child could feel powerless and like a failure. On the contrary, when parents’ expectations are too low, the child may feel lost and lack a sense of purpose and direction. Furthermore, when there are no expectations, there is no motivation or a need to succeed. When the expectations are just right, the child is motivated, has a sense of self-worth, and it helps then develop competence.