Week 7 in Math 10

The most important thing learned in week 7 was finding domain and range.

Domain is x and Range is y.

To find the domain, we find if the dot is open or closed and in this case its open, we use < instead of < with _ underneath

The furthest on the x axis it goes is -5 and 0 so we write it like this:

Finding the range is basically the same as finding domain but on the y axis. To find the range we look at the lowest it goes which is -4, it has a closed dot so we write -4 <_ y < then the highest it goes is 5 with an open dot so its written like this:


Thats pretty much all there is to it. The two others problems you could face is there being an arrow or being a curve that goes past the dots. If there is an arrow then the number will be infinity as it goes off of the graph and goes on forever. If the curve of the line goes past the dots you take the coordinates of the furthest the curve goes and not the furthest the dot goes.


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