Digital Footprint

When I googled myself nothing of me showed up except for pictures of others with the same name.

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1. How Might Your Digital Footprint Affect Your Future Opportunities?

It may affect your chances of going to university or college. It could even mess up your chances of getting a job if you have a bad digital footprint. Anyone can see your digital footprint so if there is something bad and someone that is thinking of hiring you sees bad things youve done online they’ll probably not let you have the job.

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2. Describe At Least 3 Strategies That You Can Use To Keep Your Digital Footprint Safe And Appropriate

1. Don’t post things that are bad or negative or basically anything you’ll regret in the future

T – Is it true?

H – Is it hurtful?

I – Is it illegal?

N – Is it necessary?

K – Is it kind?

2.  Be careful on what you do and who you’re with. For example if you are following someone on Instagram who is posting illegal things then someone might see that and think you’re affiliated with something that could be highly illegal.

3. Don’t give out literally all your personal information. Instead of giving out your first and last name, home address, passwords and more, you could just use your first name and that’s all or if you don’t want to give out any then just use a nickname of some sort

  1. Image result for security

3. What information Did You Learn That You Would Pass On To Other Students? 

I would tell others to think before they post and always make sure to make your digital footprint safe and appropriate as it could affect your future. Don’t give out too much information and just give out basic information like your first name if you’d like. Anyone can see what you put online so don’t post or even just do something stupid or illegal.


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