water rocket journal

part 3

What have you learned about the history of rockets and space travel?

   All rockets are different with small similarities, but all rockets rely on the same principle (the Newton’s third law of motion.). the Greeks were the one who first “build a rocket”, then the Chinese create the first arrow-rocket. later on the rocket were created for war and then the newton’s third law was introduce and years later the first man landed on the moon.

What will be different on your water rocket than on a “real” rocket and why?

the nose cone won’t be so pointy as the real rockets.

Write a little on the blog about how to find the Center of Pressure and the Center of Gravity on your rocket and why they are important.

how to find the center pressure: using a cut out template try to balance the template on a ruler, where the template stays balance is center point. And how to find the center of gravity: with a string tie around the rocket try to balance again the rocket and where the rocket stands balance is your center of gravity. And this is important because if your rocket is not balance the rocket might curve or not fry high enough.

describe what your rocket will look like and why you chose that design on the blog.

with the paper rocket experience i choose this style due to my paper rocket being too heavy.

write about your successes and failures and what you learned from them. What you learn and write about will help teach future classes.

Rocket Simulators

part 2

rocket lunch simulation.

  1. What was your maximum height and speed? my maximum height is 33918 and with the maximum speed being 837 m/s.
  2. What was the Mass, Thrust and Thrust time on your high score? the mass was 10 Kg, with the trust being 400 N and the trust time was 30 s.

gravity launch

  1. Why does the rocket fling around the moon/Earth? due to the gravitational pull in the orbit the rocket fling like a slingshot.
  2. What is an orbit? is a gravitational path around a planet or star.

rockets away

  1. What was your highest score? attitude: 300.4, velocity: 47.1, time of flight: 8.7
  2. What was the settings of your highest score?

paper rocket reflection

part 1

1. Draw a path of trajectory of your rocket


2. Which force is acting on the rocket at the moment of launch? (use arrows to indicate direction)  the force is trust.

3. As the rocket was half-way up, which force(s) is/are acting on the rocket? (use arrows) the force is drag.

4. As the rocket begins to veer into another direction, which force is acting on the rocket? Explain why this is happening.

the gravitational force pulls down the rocket making it go into another direction.

5. Did some rockets work better than others? How does the shape of the nose and fin effect the trajectory of the rocket? Explain in terms of the four forces that act on a rocket ship.

yes some did go higher then others, and its because the thinner the nose or the lighter the fins are the higher it goes.

the four forces that act on a rocket:

  1. trust – the rocket uses trust to create lift.
  2. lift – the rocket lifts up for the ground.
  3. drag – the force that is going against the rocket like the wind.
  4. gravity – the force that brings the rocket back down to the ground.

marshmallow challenge

  1. Was there a leader on your team? Who was it and who decided who the leader would be? no, there was no leaders we all worked as a group.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  2. If you had no leader, do you think having designated someone a leader would have helped? yes, actually I would had liked to be the leader in this project.                                                                                                                                      
  3. If you had a leader, how did he/she do? if I was the leader, I would had make sure that everyone knew what they were doing and plan better the tower and give everyone a job to do.
  4. How helpful was everyone on your team in challenging the process of building the tallest structure? Did anyone appear to be an expert? some people didn’t know what they were doing and didn’t quite help in the challenge.       
  5. Did any team members tune out of the activity — out of frustration with other members or for some other reason? What could you have done to keep all members of the group fully engaged? no, no one panic in this challenge.
  6. Did you feel everyone’s ideas were well received during the activity? yes, everyone had an idea that was put to experiment.                                                                                                                                                                                        
  7. How did you feel as the time limit was approaching? Did pressure increase? If yes, was that helpful or not? I felt the pressure racing in me, which it was good because it rush me to get the tower finish.                                                      
  8. In retrospect, what could you have done better? we could had spend more time planning the tower.                      
  9. Did you celebrate small wins? If yes, how did you do this? no, because as soon as we let go the tower fell.