“Taming of the Shrew” Stop Motion Induction Scene
The play “Taming of the Shrew” was written by William Shakespeare. The play incorporates an induction and an inset. Victoria and Tristen made a stop motion picture film to help better understand the difference between the induction and the inset. The induction is a main story and the inset is a story within the story, so for “Taming of the Shrew” the induction is the beginning story with the Lord and Huntsman pranking Sly into believing he is a Lord. The inset of the play is the play that the travelling actors com to perform for Sly which is the play “Taming of the Shrew”. The stop motion technology captured the play in format which helped the final result because the readers see the play in a visual representation. The play is difficult to understand when just reading out loud but seeing a stop motion makes the readers understand the difference between the induction and the inset. The challenges experienced during the filming progress of this stop motion were the following, the camera would never take a picture in the same place making overall video very shaky. The next big challenge experience was the voice recording process due to the lack of quiet spaces at Riverside, there and a lot of background noises making the narration hard to understand. A few things learnt from doing this project is that it takes a lot of patience to make a stop motion and the difference between induction and inset.