Neuron Communication Lesson – Psych 12

Neurons are cells that transmit information. 3 different types of neutrons are motor, sensory and interneuron. Parts of a neutron include the dendrites which receive information from the other neutrons and sensory receptors, the cell body which is the cell’s support centre, the axon which is the longest part of the neutron and its jobs to carry the neurones message to other body areas. The myelin sheath protects and covers the axon and helps speed neutral impulses and finally the terminal branches of the axon are to form junctions with other cells. Action potential is a nerve impulse/electrochemical signal. Action potential is an electric charge that travels down the axon, it it caused by the movement of the positive ions that go in and out of the axon. Resting potential is when the positive are on the outside of the axon and negative ions are on the inside. Depolarization is when the positive ions begin to go into the axon and cause an imbalance in the axon. Repolarization is when the positive ions leave the axon returning the axon to its original state.


Synapse is the communication between the neutron network. It includes the terminal branches of the axon, synapse gap and the dendrites receiving neurons. In the axon terminal button neurotransmitters are produced and stored in the synaptic vesicles. Action potential reaches the terminal button and causes the synaptic vesicles to release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap, the neurotransmitters diffuse through the gap and begin to bind to the receptor on the receiving/new neurones dendrites. The message can either be excitatory (stimulates action potential) or inhibitory(represses the action potential). Neurotransmitters are important because the nervous system and brain depend on them for proper balance.

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