Khan Academy – Science App Review

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Can Khan Academy help users understand how the periodic table is organized?

Yes, Khan Academy has a whole folder sat a side for the periodic table. The videos talk about how the periodic table is separated between metal, nonmetal and metalloids with families and groups. The videos show pictures of the periodic table and uses colours to easily separate the different groups.

Is all the information clear?

The information is very clear and easy understand, the speakers stay on topic and focus on the main topic help users retain information. The speaker puts pictures and draw making it easy to understand and follow along. There are also subtitles making it even easier to following along and take notes.

Can this teach users in an inefficient and fun way?

Yes, Khan Academy teaches users with videos. The videos have a voice and someone drawing or a picture display. This makes it very inefficient to learn not so much fun because you are just watching a video but the videos are very easy to understand and all the information is displayed correctly.

Will Khan Academy take users a short amount to fully understand how to use it? Is it easy to use?

Yes and yes, I spent 10 minutes on the app and I knew where everything was. The app uses scrolling up and down and side to side to navigate through the app and you have to press tabs to look at different topics. This made it very easy to use the app.

Can Khan Academy help someone who knows nothing about chemistry?

Yes, I do believe Khan Academy could teach many people who know nothing about chemistry but those people must already have a basic understanding of science and chemistry. They might not know all the terminology used in each video so it may be difficult to understand.

Is Khan Academy easy to navigate?

Yes, Khan Academy has many folders and subtopics that are neatly organized in specific spots on the app. All the science topics are ender the science folder with multiple subtopics including biology, physics and of course chemistry. The chemistry folder has many subtopics units that have many videos according to the subtopics.

I give Khan Academy 4 out of 5 stars, the app was well designed and had great learning material. I would have liked some review games to test my new knowledge with. The app could help any grade 9 in the chemistry unit.