Tagged: ADL15Review

Science 9 App review

Some questions about the app

  1. What is the name of this app? The name of this app is Element Match.
  2. What units can this app be used to study? This app can be used to study elements names, charges and orbitals.
  3. What devices is this app available on? Any apple product.(Family does not own any other brands of devices to check if this app is available)
  4. Is this app easy to use? Yes, it is very straight forward.
  5. Is this app a good way to study for a test? It is a decent app for studying because it helps with naming elements, finding out charges and atomic orbits.
  6. What is a flaw of this app? You cannot study anything to do with compound elements.

About the app

This app isn’t a very good app as it is very limited. There are three games and there are no variations. All of the games repeat in different orders. They could have designed this game to switch the elements being used. I someone could make a game featuring compound elements, Bohr models and had put more effort into this app so the elements will vary.  I like this app because it’s very simple and easy to use. It has good concepts but of been designed better.


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