Tagged: ADL15mutation

Mutation Story

Mutation Story

I was passed down from my host’s mother to my mom and dad. When my host was born he had a genetic mutation which is me is was created with one too many thymine. I haven’t showed myself throughout the first five years of my host’s life but I am now starting to affect my host. Asperger syndrome is my name I am a milder form of autism I affect my host by making it hard in social situations, he commonly has troubles interacting with others and making friends, my host has repetitive behaviors that are not changeable as well as rituals like getting dressed in a certain order that are unable to be changed, he has developed obsessive interests in sports calendars and maps but my host is significantly talented in math. Since my host has Asperger syndrome he struggles making friends he doesn’t share his thoughts in class even in math where he is gifted. He doesn’t play any sports since he lacks coordination and his movements are very awkward. When my host wants six his parents thought he was just shy and that was why he didn’t interact with other kids but he later got a physical and neurological exam. All of his years in school he had a special education his is structured for his unique needs. He is in a social skill therapy class to help him read verbal and non-verbal cues. The medication my host takes will not cure Asperger syndrome but it helps with his OCD and anxiety. My host is like 1 in 250 children to 1 in 10,000 children in Canada and USA who have Asperger syndrome.

The Making of Mutation Story

To find all the information I needed to create my story I had to search: Is Asperger a genetic disease and I found http://genetics.thetech.org/original_news/news49 and Asperger symptoms and http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/mental-health-aspergers-syndrome was the website i found. The second website gave me most of my information including symptoms, how common it is and how it can be cured. To investigate the topic I kept searching up random questions about autism and Asperger syndrome until I found the two sites I used. Completing this project was a lot for complicated then I thought it was having to search up this information and translating it into a story was difficult. I could of started the project a lot earlier instead of doing it on the last day.