Blog Log #2: The Next Step Into Space


Sunday October 7th 2018, Space-X, a company founded by Elon Musk launched yet another rocket to space. This time, it was a satellite for the Argentinian company CoNAE. A dazzling image was painted in the sky as the Falcon 9 rocket shot up into space. This article includes plenty of images giving the reader a great understanding of how magnificent these launches look.

Kenneth Chang, the author of this article, does not only use words but also, uses pictures and quotes from others. He uses these quotes to give the reader a better understanding of the emotions this sight provoked. This article is more of a news article than a story but, can prompt the reader to think about the possibility of travelling to space, inspire the reader to learn more about space or excite the reader to take in a new hobby of photography. The writing itself did not necessarily intrigue me but, the pictures really make up for the lack of imagery and really made this article one to read through.



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