The Secluded Lot Graphic Novel

The Secluded Lot Plot Project

1) Exposition

“I’d like to inquire about a lot,” the old mad said, the effort of decision evident in his voice.(115)

2) Rising action

“There might be room for just one more off Willow Walk here,” he said. “Needs a bit of clearing, though and a proper entrance. It would be very private.”(116)

3) Rising action

Slowly old Mr. Blake counted out his money. Yes he had brought the entire sum in cash. Between phone calls, Mr. Jerome made out a receipt and handed him his copy. (118)

4) Rising action

During the ensuing year old man Blake made periodic visits to his lot. All the work men in the cemetery knew him by name. (118)

5) Climax

On the other side of the thicket he was surprised to find Mr. Blake stooping over a high, square, white box, intent on fixing something. A bee circled slowly overhead, and then dove for his target. “Ouch” yelled Mr. Jerome. “That cursed bee stung me.” “I’m sorry,” the old man said, “but that sting cost the bee its life. (119)

6) Falling action

“How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery?” “It’s on my property. I purchased it, did I not?” “NO business such as this is allowed within this sanctuary.”(119)

7) Falling action

Mr. Jerome, I have done you a great service. Your flowers have never been so magnificent or plentiful.” “That’s true,” he was forced to admit (120)

8) Dénouement

“Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot.” (121)

Secluded lot 1 toondoo  (1)

Secluded lot 1 toondoo  (2)


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