Adaptive Tech (Explore the field)

Explore the field

Essential question: How can learning the inner works of a remote help improve the quality of life for a man with Huntington’s.

My Essential question is meaningful to me because it gives me a clear direction of where to go, what to research and it’s meaningful to others because it tells them my objective and goal.

How do remotes work?

      remotes work by using infrared technology, it uses a transmitter to transmit binary code to the receiver on the T.V which decodes it to do commands.


How do they use electricity to make an infrared ray to control your T.V?

      A remote takes electricity and using the LED (transmitter) on the remote and sends a short pulse of infrared that has binary code inside it to the T.V.

author- Chris Woodford

These questions can help me with my essential question the more information I have about how remote works, the better. These can help me if I decided to make a remote from scratch I now know the basic concept of how a remote works. All these questions have are questions that will fit in helping our group make a remote either we’re doing it from scratch or rewiring an already made remote.

The 3-5 critical questions you tried to answer in order to research your topic.

  1. How to make a remote?
  2. How does a remote work?
  3. What are the biggest challenges you have while holding a remote?

The digital tools I used are the internet to find new information I also used YouTube to find some of the information.

I can verify the information I got from websites and YouTube because they match with each other and because they are form trusted websites.

This challenge went pretty good I answered my question and have an idea how to make it. I also answer my side questions which will help us in our goal of helping Tim. I learnt a lot about remotes and how they work. I think this information will be essential to our goal of helping Tim. Overall I think I did pretty good on the challenge but I could have added more questions.

2 thoughts on “Adaptive Tech (Explore the field)

  1. Thanks for attempting to research regarding building a remote to help our friend Tim who has Huntington’s disease. And I am excited that you are working on something to help Tim. I am eager to see how your innovation develops. Keep on working at it. This kind of assistive technology is so crucial to improve Tim’s lifestyle. I am very proud of the work you are doing to support Tim. How could you use the original remote to your best advantage and minimize what your creation looks like? What do you have to do next to create your device?

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