My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category Socials 10

Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada During the 20th Century

Government Responsibility

The government today should be held responsible for decision and actions taken by previous governments because, it may not have been there decision to make these acts that happened a long time ago, but it is still there responsibility to… Continue Reading →

Rwandan Genocide

For this project we had to pick an example of Genocide. I chose to do it on the Rwandan Genocide. This PowerPoint talks about what happened, why it happened, and the worlds response to it.  

WW2: Battle of Britain Infographic  

WW1 Second Battle of Ypres Infographic

This is the link to my infographic on the Second Battle of Ypres

War Tactics

Canada’s role in International Conflict

Different conflicts has Canada been involved in during the 20th century World war I United States, Russia, Italy, Britain and France were all a part of WWI An important event in WWI was the Battle of the Marne During WWI… Continue Reading →

Improving Canada Project

Canada word cloud

Multiculturalism assignment

The photo on the right shows that there are many ways that people celebrate their culture. On of the ways that people maintain and celebrate their culture is Canadian Multicultural Day. it is on June 27, and it is a… Continue Reading →

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