Sgrafitto Tile Purpose, Process and Final Product- 3D Studio Arts

Sgrafitto Tile Purpose
For my Sgrafitto tile project I partnered up with Ava and Danika. We wanted to incorporate flora by creating tiles with tropical plants and flowers.
Our sketch:
            (From left to right -> Ava’s, mine, Danika’s)
Sgrafitto Tile week #2
This week I made my tile, waited for it to dry, then put aqua underglaze on it. I waited for the underglaze to dry and started to carve my design. Some challenges were that the underglaze made the tile look textured and clumpy, and I made some mistakes when carving and it was kind of hard to fix them and make them look better. I hope to overglaze next week.
Sgrafitto Tile week #3
I put the overglaze on and waited for it to be put in the kiln. I did not experience any challenges and I hope to be done in a few days.
Final Product:
Tropical Trio
May 9, 2022, clay, underglaze, overglaze
Sheron Pinsky
I did not find this project difficult. I thought that I would need to colour in the plants and flowers with underglaze but I didn’t, which made the project simpler and faster to finish. During this process I learned how to use a tile cutter, or just a four by four cutter for clay. If I had to do this project again I would apply less overglaze because I found that it made the underglaze fade a little bit and there are some thicker areas.


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