Information Fluency is a structured process to cut through info-whelm and gather good data. We are going to look at a topic and see if we can use the Information Fluency steps to gather good quality information.
Vocabulary in this post:
- Info-whelm – being overwhelmed with information
- Structured process – steps to do something
- Topic – main idea
- fluency – being so good at something that it is automatic
- Acquire – get something
- Analyze – see if something is good or bad
Ask: Asking a question puts you into control. Consider the difference between searching a topic like chlorine versus asking a question such as how dangerous is chlorine.
A great Wonder question is something ungoogleable. In order to answer the question, though, you can ask sub questions to help you answer your essential question.
How can we 3D print organs with the least effect on the environment?
What critical questions could we ask to get at the answer?
Wonder question: What is the most important thing we need to know about a new biotechnology?
Create 5 or 6 good questions that would help you understand about a new biotechnology.
Acquire and Analyze: Meet Elizabeth Holmes.
Click this link to the site: About Holmes. Find the answers to your questions. Consider what is the most important thing we can know about Theranos. Keep your answer within your group.
Evaluation Guide For Online Resources by Sean Robinson
Apply: Gathering quality information from vetted sources:
Riverside Library log in Gale Search
Adding pictures. Use sites like these to post share-friendly images:
Assess: What did you do well and what could you have improved upon?
Information Fluency from the creator:
Here is an example:
Part 2
Ask – The questions that I needed to ask were:
- What is the history of the technology?
- How is CRISPR currently being used?
- What are the two sides of the ethical issues?
- What are some not well known facts about CRISPR?
- What are the long term ramifications?
Acquire – Here are the tools I used to gather my information.
- Youtube
- Citation Machine for references
Analyze – Here is how I got my information and cited my sources.
The process I used to create my Sway was to use a notetaking document to keep track of my sources. I made sure that I didn’t copy from any of them but put relevant information in my own words. I used this document to make my Sway. I gathered pictures from share-friendly sources and cited all my sources.
Assess – Here is how the product and process went.
Regarding my product, I could have had more content in my Sway. It is complete but could use some more details. Regarding the information fluency process, I followed the process completely and found that it really helped me understand designer babies. I think this will help me understand other elements but also help me do quality research in the future.