Lit Circle Discussion #5

Group Members: Sean Hudson, Ryan Raposo, Jenna Woychyshyn, Edward Yang

Group Co-Leaders: Sean Hudson, Ryan Raposo


  1. What themes are evident throughout the novel?
  2. What lessons can we learn from the novel?
  3. What was enjoyable/not enjoyable about the novel?
  4. How can you apply the morals and lessons learned in the novel to every day life?
  5. How did the novel further develop your understanding of ww1/ww2?
  6. What does your novel say about humanity/the human condition?

Lit Circle Discussion #4

Group Discussion (Sean, Jenna, Edward)

Separate Discussion (Ryan)

Group Members: Sean Hudson, Jenna Woychyshyn, Edward Yang.


1. What archetype represents certain events in the novel? Why?

2. How has the protagonist’s archetype changed in your novel?

3. Are there any characters in your novel that have kept the same archetype throughout the novel?, if so then what is the archetype, and why do you think they haven’t changed?

4. Why do you think archetypes have such an important role in shaping one’s identity?

5. What is the most symbolic archetype throughout your novel and what does it represent?

6. How do you think the different setting archetypes have impacted or changed your story?