John Henry’s poem

When John Henry was a little tiny baby

Sitting in his mama’s knee

He picked up a hammer and a little piece of steel

Says Hammers going to be the death of me Lord Lord

Hammers going to be the death of me


When he started to walk with his leg

Supporting his body with his little hammer

He lifted it up and appeared with a  smile

Says, “Hammer will always be with me, Lord Lord.

Hammer will always be with me


A man who likes to risk

Holds his hammer on his side

Running through the Golden field with an awful laugh

Says Hammer asked me to join it’s world lord lord

Hammer asked me to join it’s world


Sinking into the delusion of hammer

He fasts asleep into endless black hole

Never awake even he is being hitten or beaten

Until the heart and organ loses its function

Hammer says he is gone with the wind, he is gone with the wind


Well, they carried John Henry down the tunnel

And they paid his body in the sand

Now every woman riding on a C and O train

Says, “There lies my steel driving man, Lord, lord,

There lies my steel driving man

Silent Film Narrative Assignment

Rumble, rumble

The rabbit’s stomach growled like thunder

Jumping up and under

It saw a carrot on the table

Stretching its arm, it was unable

To reach the carrot on the table

The magician came rushing in

Put on his special hat with a grin

He grabbed the rabbit from the cage

And dashed onto the shining stage.


Forgetting to feed the rabbit,

The rabbit decided to throw a fit.

They fought among each other

Performed tricks one after another.

First the magician heard a “snap”,

And then he saw his fingers in a trap.

In revenge, he turned the carrot into a flower

And the rabbit’s face turned utterly sour.

Pulling up another carrot, the magician

Proceeded to smash it into demolition.

That was the last straw,

The rabbit made the magician drop his jaw

When it sent him into electrical shock

The magician let out a squawk,

And he couldn’t stand any more.

The rabbit sent him to soar

And dangle from the ceiling.

The rope broke and the magician went reeling

The rabbit used the magician’s hat

To save him from going splat.


The audience clapped and went whack

And the magician gave the rabbit a snack.

The show was outstanding

And the duo became understanding.


Short Film Link: