The 15 day adventure

It was cold up there. Really, really cold. So cold that there was 6” of snow and it was -10 degrees. The frigid snow went down my sock and underneath my warm toasty feet. My dad, my uncle and I were up basically in the middle of no where. We were un Fort St James, 30km off of a logging road in the bushes. We were moose hunting. It was day 5 of the 15 day long trip. The wind blew in my face, that night, the smell of the campfire was so pleasing. The crackling of the once brown cedar and now the ashes that ignites the rest of the fire. It was forfilling as I ate warm toasty chicken salad. 3 days later it was thanksgiving. The leaves were turning brown, the sky was misty and grey, the frost on the ground was melting. We weren’t having any luck. We hadn’t seen any animals in the 9 days we had been there thus far. As we were heading back to our makeshift lonely camp. It was beginning of the twilight hours. We called it “last light” and all of a sudden I saw it. There was a moose, on the road. It was going to take a tremendous amount of effort to get the big thing because it was facing away from us. We had to set up rapidly and effectively. All of a sudden, it turned towards us. This was what I had been waiting years for. This one chance. I had him lined up. I took a big calm breath in, and then I pulled the trigger. Slowly and calmly. After I pulled the trigger, I knew exactly what had happened. I missed. It was heart breaking and devastating. My dad and my uncle were comforting me as I curled up in a ball in a blanket and let what had just happened sink in. 9 days, not a single animal. Then when I see one, I miss. It was a bad taste in my mouth, a tough pill to swallow. But I had to continue on. Hanging my head will only make it worse. Exactly one week later, it happened again. In the distance I saw a monstrous, gigantic big black blob walking towards me. As he got within 300 yards I decided to line it up. He was a monster. There were antlers on him that look like a 2X4 ply wood sheet on either side of him. Like the pictures you see on tv and the internet. I then said to myself “ it happened once, don’t let it happen again.” As he got within 250 yards, he turned and ran up a hill away from me. It was go time. My uncle and I chased him up a hill, and shot at it 5 times. Another opportunity missed. After that trip I learned that nothing will mean more to me then this trip. Nothing will upset me more then what happened on those 15 days. My dad told me ‘’ you will experience loss of family, you might recive devastating news. It’s a tough and heart breaking situation, but we have to move past it” Those 15 days helped me deal with hard and difficult situations differently. 

Here is my sway that’s the visual of my paragraph;

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