October 26

Science App Review

Question 1:

The Periodic Table app shows you information based on your level of knowledge of the elements, if you are beginner (you say if you are) you get little important facts, minus a lot of things you may or may not understand. If you were to choose expert, it would give you everything it knows and nothing less. There are a lot of different settings options aswell if you want something in particular or to compare and element to another. It also shows you what the elements would look like in first person.

Question 2:

It’seems moderately simple to get the hang of, but if you can’t understand it there is a tutorial, or you can go directly to the app store, search it up, and watch the video. personally, it took me two and a half minutes to understand, and to fully understand about 4 minutes of clicking around. It is surely one of her better Periodic Table apps out there considering it’s knowledge and the fact that it’s easy to understand.

Question 3:

The app takes the normal, dullness of a periodic table, and adds comparison,  difficulty, and lots more helpful bells and whistles. It has a touch of 2015 with images and when the elements were discovered by using a scale, etc.

1: does it help users learn about the elements? Yes
2: does it teach the user in a boring way? No
3: does it have all the information you need? Yes
4: does it give you information based on your skill level? Yes
5:would you recommend this app to anybody else? Yes
6: how many subjects does it teach you about in science? 1: The elements