Podcast – Attendre l’Inattendu – Convo10

Ruby et Kiara

Projet Podcast, première emission “Trouvée”

Projet Podcast, deuxième émission “Infecté”

Projet Podcast, troisième émission “Gertrude”

Projet Podcast, quatrième émission “Le Souhait”





Cette émission est à propos d’un virus qui attaque les personnes dans la ville et change les personnes à les monstres qui boivent du sang. C’est a Lillian de les sauver.

Tableau De Planification: 

Kiara Cameron et Ruby Maher

Style de podcast: Narratif/Histoires

Description de podcast entier: “Attendre l’inattendu” est ou on raconte des histoires avec une conclusion tournant que change un peu le genre de l’histoire au fin.

Ne va pas dire cela dans le podcast

Introduction pour chaque émission: Bonjour, c’est Ruby et Kiara, et voila “expect l’imprévu”!

**On va faire les noms de l’émissions quand on a déjà écrit les histoires car le nom de l’hisoire=le nom de l’émission**

Les 4 genres d’émission Les noms des histoires

1-Horreur Trouvée

2-Horreur L’infection

3-Conte de fée Gertrude

4-Conte de fée

Logo: (avec notre nom) **Copie premier

Chanson (dans l’introduction)

1. Mystère (ish)->Écrit par Ruby

**L’histoire de Ruby

Conclusion tournant: Elle reçoit la virus a la fin mais la personne qui l’avait en premier est curée (découverte)

2. Horreur->Écrit par Kiara

Une documentaire d’une personne qui est en train d’être chassé par quelque chose

Conclusion tournant: La personne que parle apropos d’une personne qu’il/elle aimait est mort et il imagine qu’il/elle est encore vivant(e). Le chose qui chasse cette personne est le fantôme de la personne que est mort(e)

3.Conte de fée ->Écrit par Kiara

Une suite d’une conte de fée

Conclusion tournant: Divorce

4. Conte de fée->Écrit par Ruby

Autre version d’une conte de fée

Conclusion tournant: l’homme/femme des rêves tuent l’autre personne

Aucun description sanglant**

On va nous rejoindre chaque mois pour enregistrer notre émission alors cela résonne la même.

On va écrire tous les Histoires en premier et puis on va commencer à écrire la scripte au complet pour

What I Have Learned About Grade 9 Fractions -Updated Version

What is a Rational Number?

  • A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction or a quotient. Example: \frac{1}{2} = A rational number

What I know about Number Lines

  • You can place fractions on a number line between whole numbers. In order to do this you have to make them have a common denominator. For example you can place 8\frac{2}{3} and 8\frac{5}{6} between the numbers 8 and 9 on the number line. But before you can do that you have to find a common denominator, which would change them to 8\frac{4}{6} and 8\frac{5}{6} . You can then plot them on the number line.

What I know about Comparing Fractions

  • How can you tell if a rational number is greater than another? You can create a common denominator to find out which one is greater than the other.
  • For example: Which fraction is greater? \frac{1}{3} or \frac{2}{4}
  • Find the common denominator and change it to \frac{4}{12} and \frac{6}{12}
  • Now you can see that \frac{6}{12} is greater than \frac{4}{12} because 6 parts out of 12 is greater than 4 parts out of 12.


What I know about Adding and Subtraction Fractions

  • For both adding and subtracting fractions you have to find a common denominator
  • For example: \frac{-2}{3}\frac{1}{5} you would need to change it to \frac{-10}{15}\frac{3}{15}
  • Next, you would add the numerators and keep the denominator the same which would equal to \frac{-7}{15}
  • The same rules apply for subtracting fractions

What I know about Multiplying Fractions

  • You don’t need a common denominator when multiplying fractions. Like Ms. Burton says it’s a “Just do it question.”
  • For example: \frac{2}{3}\times\frac{1}{5} is equal to \frac{2}{15}
  • If your answer is a fraction that is not in its’ simplest form, you would simplify it.
  • To simplify a fraction you would divide both the top and bottom of the fraction by the greatest common factor. For example in \frac{8}{12} the largest number that would go exactly into both 8 and 12 would be the number 4. You would divide both the top and bottom by 4 and you would get the simplified fraction of \frac{2}{3}

What I know about Dividing Fractions

  • Let’s look at the equation \frac{1}{2}\div\frac{1}{6}
  • You would need to change the second fraction in the division equation upside down. It becomes a reciprocal. For example \frac{1}{6} would become \frac{6}{1}
  • Next you would change it from a division question to a multiplication question \frac{1}{2}\times\frac{6}{1}\frac{6}{2} = 3


Comprehension Questions – All Summer in a Day

  1. I believe that the kids do sympathize Margot and feel bad for her after seeing the sun because they now understand how marvelous it was and how perfect it was to her description. They realize at the end that they shouldn’t have locked her in the closet and ruined her chance of seeing the sun once for the next seven years. 

 2. I believe Margot acts the way she does is because she stayed on earth longer than any other kid. I feel that she is traumatized by the move and misses the earth and how the sun use to beat down on her everyday. All the other kids do not like her because of her differences and I believe that plays into why she does not play with the other kids. 

 3. I believe why the other kids are so mean to Margot is because they are all jealous that she still remembers how the sun use be. They do not know to deal with their jealousy so they treat her horribly. They are indanyl that the way she describes the sun is true because of their jealousy and her differences. 

 4. Once they let Margot out of the closet, I believe that Margot is now even more sad and extremely depressed that she missed seeing the sun. The kids must feel bad for their actions because they felt guilt once they forgot that Margot was still in the closet when they got back. I feel that the connection between Margot and the others is even worse than it was before.  

 5. The sun represents life and hope. That’s why Margot truly wanted to see the sun because it would remind her of how real life use to be on Earth. It isn’t healthy for people never to be in the sun because our bodies absorb vitamin D to survive. The story states that they have sun lamps for people on Venus so they can absorb some vitamin D but heat lamps can not compete with the natural sources of the sun.  

 6. The theme of the story is about how people can be ignorant of things and only see things one way because have only ever experienced something one way and from one point of view.  

Comprehension Questions – All Summer in a Day

  1. I believe that the kids do sympathize Margot and feel bad for her after seeing the sun because they now understand how marvelous it was and how perfect it was to her description. They realize at the end that they shouldn’t have locked her in the closet and ruined her chance of seeing the sun once for the next seven years. 

 2. I believe Margot acts the way she does is because she stayed on earth longer than any other kid. I feel that she is traumatized by the move and misses the earth and how the sun use to beat down on her everyday. All the other kids do not like her because of her differences and I believe that plays into why she does not play with the other kids. 

 3. I believe why the other kids are so mean to Margot is because they are all jealous that she still remembers how the sun use be. They do not know to deal with their jealousy so they treat her horribly. They are indanyl that the way she describes the sun is true because of their jealousy and her differences. 

 4. Once they let Margot out of the closet, I believe that Margot is now even more sad and extremely depressed that she missed seeing the sun. The kids must feel bad for their actions because they felt guilt once they forgot that Margot was still in the closet when they got back. I feel that the connection between Margot and the others is even worse than it was before.  

 5. The sun represents life and hope. That’s why Margot truly wanted to see the sun because it would remind her of how real life use to be on Earth. It isn’t healthy for people never to be in the sun because our bodies absorb vitamin D to survive. The story states that they have sun lamps for people on Venus so they can absorb some vitamin D but heat lamps can not compete with the natural sources of the sun.  

 6. The theme of the story is about how people can be ignorant of things and only see things one way because have only ever experienced something one way and from one point of view.  

Comprehension & Vocabulary Questions – The Veldt

Short Story Comprehension Questions 

The Veldt 



  1. Advancements in technology have affected the children because they don’t need their parents anymore and they have become spoiled and horrible. The technology in the house has become so advanced that it takes care of the children in their nursery. The parents don’t have any parental jobs anymore. Lydia doesn’t have to rock her children to sleep, cook or clean and as a result the children no longer respect or listen to their parents anymore.   

 2. I think the story was originally called “The World the Children Made” because the story centres around this disturbing “world” the children had created in their nursery. This world they have created is dangerous and deadly and adults are not allowed in! Their disturbing imaginations have created a scene from the savannah where deadly man eating lions in the end eat their parents.  

 3. I believe that the children put their father’s wallet and their mother’s scarf into the veldt with the lions so that the lions could get their scent. The fact that they are both bloodied foreshadows that something terrible is going to happen to Lydia and George in the nursery. 

 4. Bradbury creates and maintains suspense in the story from the very beginning of where Lydia says there is something wrong with the nursery. She says she feels like the house has taken over the role of mother. Bradbury maintains suspense by using foreshadowing in the story. He foreshadows that something bad is going to happen by showing the lions feasting on something in the distance. There are even vultures in the scene. When I think of vultures, I think of death.  



 5. The irony in this story is that the house was supposed to make everyone’s life better and easier. Where in fact the house is driving everyone crazy. The nursery was supposed to help raise well adjusted kids, but it’s actually allowed them to become disturbed killers with no respect or love for their parents. It’s actually ironic that the house is called “HappyLife” home. 

 6. The Veldt is told from the third person point of view, limited omniscient. The narrator is telling the story as though watching it happen. Although, the author lets us into George’s thoughts and feelings a little. This affects our understanding of the story and characters because we don’t know what they children are feeling and thinking. We don’t know why they have become so disturbed. We only know how George perceives things.  


7. An allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. An illusion is a deceptive appearance or impression; an erroneous mental representation. Allusion is used in the story with the children’s names. Peter and Wendy are also the main characters in Peter Pan, which also centers around and imaginary world thought up by children. There is a big difference between the childlike world of Peter Pan and the imaginary world of the Veldt.  




  1. Veldt:  Uncultivated country or grassland in southern Africa. Pg. 1 

 2. Automaticity: Working by itself with little or no direct human control. Pg. 1 

 3. Efficiency:  Technical the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or heat taken in. Pg. 2 

 4. Contraptions: A machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe. Pg. 4 

 5. Intersperse: Scatter among or between other things; place here and there. Pg. 6