Week 13 – precalc

This week in math we learned how to graph the reciprocal of a quadratic function. Below will be an example of how to do this:


the first step is to graph the parent function which would look like this. 


By looking at the graph you can determine a couple of things.

asymptotes: X= 1.7, x=-1.7 y=0

invariant point (1.6,1)(-1.6,1)(-1.8,-1)(1.8,1)

This gives you all the information that you need to graph the equation once you reciprocate it

the reciprocated function should look like this y=\frac{1}{-3x^2+9}

the hyperbola above the x-axis is located at the reciprocal of the vertex which in this case is \frac{1}{9}

The end result should look like this.