Everything is Fine!

Everything is Fine!

Do you realize how everything is just fine?

Because we live in a world full of colours and beauties

Full of humanity and equalities

And we want that kind of girl with that smile

And that kind of guy with the abs and that hairstyle

Which is totally fine


Oh but wait

Something is missing

1.648 million square kilometers

More than 80 million men and women from the “beautiful, prefect” world of ours

Like it was never there, vanishing into the tick-tock of the hours

But I guess that’s just fine


Iran is fine

Iranians are fine

That Persian cat of the middle east is fine

They are just drowning into a blackhole of time

Fading into the thin air, needing lots of prayers

Disconnecting from the whole world, needing the hand of the Lord

Which is fine


Everything is fine

The tripled price of the gas overnight

The young and old people suffering in the dark

being the innocent baits for the sharks

Even the blood running down the streets as help signs

And the people’s sorrowful whines

Even that, is totally fine


Everything is fine

The policemen shooting at people

Guards with their truncheon standing in different rows

breaking down the car’s windows

pushing people in a puddle of miseries which is deep

And putting them in a forever kind of sleep

And that is also, fine


Everything is fine

More than hundreds and hundreds of dead bodies

From the sinless people and residents

And not one single word about it from the man who is president

Like it’s just a simple accident

And also there is no “official” evident

Everything is fine

It’s just the ashes floating in the air

And my home rolling on fire

And the damn Islamic republic empire

Is just hiding everything under the cover

And all I can do is standing here and say

“O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao”

But don’t worry cause every single thing is fine


They shut down the internet

But not just that

They shut down the people’s voice

People’s dream and hiding their screams

And then there’s our dear leader who doesn’t have any expertise

Over the decisions that has been made

And no role over the thousands of people who are unemployed and unpaid

So, my question is, what the hell are you doing up there?

Not having the knowledge about what is happening

From the beating, arresting, killing to savagery

Do you deserve your precious chair and throne?


Iran is not the first one and it won’t be the last

As long as there is a greedy hand reaching for the power

There will be people withering like flowers

And yet everyone is acting like nothing happened and everything is fine

There was no blood, no screams, and no whines

No bodies on the ground and no soul filled with wounds


Iran, Bolivia, Hong Kong and lot of the others

All of these countries and people need real help

Not just looking and saying “oh my heart melts”

These situations need our eyes and ears, Not just our restless tears

You don’t always need to have a gun to support someone

You just need to start seeing, noticing, talking and using your voice

For the ones who lost theirs and don’t have any choice

And sometimes you just need to ask “is everything fine?”


Last but not least

If everything is fine

If you have fresh air to breath

A best friend to laugh at (oops I mean with)

A family to love

A reason to wake up even though sometimes it’s hard

Be thankful and smile

Because some people are living in bulbs with no oxygen

fighting for a tiny bit of air

because for them, not everything is fine


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