Posts Tagged ‘Footprint2020’

Digital Footprint






  1. how might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

Your digital footprint is really important when it comes to a job or school that you want to go to/work at. I think that if you post photos of yourself that are not appropriate or professional you should always remember that people will most likely search your name before hiring you and that you need to be careful with what you post.


2. describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

My first strategy is to not take pictures of yourself or post pictures of yourself you would not want a boss or teacher of yours to see it will be a lot better for yourself and your future if you simply do not take them. My second strategy is to keep your social media accounts on private and only allow friends and people you trust to follow you because someone can easily screenshot the photo and post it online. My final strategy is to stay out of group photos if it is not appropriate because you don’t have to be the person who posts the picture to have people think you’re unprofessional.


3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students?

I would definitely tell others to not post inappropriate things on social media especially if their accounts are public. Another thing I would tell others is to not take any pictures like that at all just to be safe. Lastly I would tell others to not be in an inappropriate picture even if they are not posting it.