
The Fictional Planet:

The planet that I came up with is called Anisogamic, the reason I came up with this name is that Anisogamic is another word for sexual reproduction, and I’m about to talk about that right now.


Sexual Reproduction With Meiosis:

If I had to pick between Asexual Reproduction with Mitosis and Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis, I would pick Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis. Some reasons why I would choose Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis is because in my planet, I wouldn’t want everyone to just be clones of each other. Another reason would be that if the children had different DNA, they have a better chance of surviving. Even though there are some good points, there will still be some consequences to come with it. Some consequences that come from Meiosis is that the Prophase 1 will take much longer. It is also much slower when it comes to organisms dividing.


The Differences Between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction:

One reason why Asexual Reproduction is better than Sexual Reproduction is that, with Asexual Reproduction, you only need a single parent. On the other hand, when it comes to Sexual Reproduction, offspring will be different from their parent and not clones.



Cell Divisions (Meiosis or Mitosis):

When it comes to Meiosis and Mitosis, they do have their differences. For the Meiosis, the Prophase takes long, while Mitosis Prophase is much shorter. Another difference is that Meiosis will result in 4 daughter cells while Mitosis results in 2 daughter cells. Though these cell divisions do have differences, they also have some similarities. For example, they both have a diploid parent cell and they both have Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and telophase.


Why did I choose this method, and what effects does it have on my planet?:

When it comes to Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis and Asexual Reproduction with Mitosis, I find that Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis is a better method. Some reasons why I chose Sexual Reproduction with Meiosis is because I want the people on my planet to be different from each other and unique and not clones. Also, I feel that the planet will be much healthier and will grow stronger since, with Meiosis, it gives children a better chance of surviving which is good because the children can grow stronger and keep the planet healthy.


Cited Sources:

Website 1

Website 2

Picture Credit:

Planet Picture

a sexual vs sexual


One thought on “Planet Populators – Anisogamic”

  1. You demonstrate an excellent understanding of both sexual and asexual reproduction and meiosis and mitosis. You have creatively synthesized your understanding of these concepts in your post. Great job comparing the two, sharing the pros and cons of each. Excellent work including media and citing your sources. Thanks for teaching me a new word: anisogamic!

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