Ria's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint:
Your digital footprint can effect your future opportunities such as applying for a job or university because when they interview you, they are going to search you up on the internet to see what they can find out about you. If you have some have some nasty things on your social media posts they can see what you’ve posted and see all of your pictures if you don’t have private accounts, and if they don’t like what they see you wont get hired. However having things up like school assignments on sites such as Prezi could help you get in because it could show them how smart you are and they may see something that they like about you and your work habits. One thing that you can do to make your digital footprint safe and appropriate is making all of your social media accounts private. Another thing you could do is watch and be careful of what you say/post and make sure that your profile picture isn`t anything bad because even if your account is private everyone can still see your profile picture. You can also ensure that when you take photos with your friends that you approve of it before they post it on Instagram or snapchat (etc…). Some information that I have learned is that sometimes even if you privatize your account there can still be a picture or two that can show up on google, and that if you have any playlists or liked videos on YouTube you can see them on google if you logged into YouTube with your Gmail. So in conclusion it’s best that you stay careful about what your posting and being tagged in.

riaj2016 • October 5, 2016

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