Atom Story

Atom Story

My name is Peter, I am a phosphorus atom. I live in a rock under the ocean with my other phosphorus atoms that I encounter daily. All of us make phosphate salt that is transferred under water into soil. (1st transfer, phosphate salt -> soil) after we go through ocean we come out in soil. It is a quick process because the plants in the soil will quickly absorb us. (2nd transfer soil -> plants) We are then transferred to plants. It is hard to maintain atom here because there isn’t much water. (3rd transfer plants -> animals) the animals then eat the plants and the phosphate is then transferred into them, this part takes a bit. The phosphate atoms must wait until the animal dies to start the next cycle. When the animal dies, the phosphate drifts into the water to start the next cycle. (4th transfer animal -> water) We are almost back where we started, in the rocks. We are floating through the ocean till we find a rock that has phosphate salt on it and we transfer onto there. (5th transfer ocean -> rock) We have completed the full phosphate cycle and we continue this until we can’t anymore.


My name is Carlos, and I’m a carbon atom. Most of the time I’m hanging out in the earth’s atmosphere, they call me carbon dioxide. soon enough I’ll get absorbed by some plants (1st phase air -> plants). once the plants absorb us, they use us for photosynthesis by using the carbohydrates within us. (2nd phase plants -> energy) the sun’s energy is then used to feed the plants. (3rd phase energy -> carbon) once the plant has gained enough carbon, (4th phase carbon ->animals) the animals then eat the animal and when they die the energy carbon is put back in the air (5th phase animals -> air)


Hi I’m Nigel, I’m a nitrogen atom. I’m mostly in the atmosphere with the rest of the nitrogen atoms. since I am currently in my Gas Form, I won’t be used by any living organisms on earth. in-order for me to be useful, I must be brought by bacteria from the atmosphere (1st phase atmosphere -> bacteria) to earth where I will be given to plants for them to consume (2nd phase bacteria ->plants). Once that has happened, the plants will be eaten by the animals, (3rd phase plants -> animals) the animals will then dispose of me through feces or other waste (4th phase animal -> feces) Then I will be brought back to the soil and atmosphere, thus the cycle repeats itself. (5th phase feces -> atmosphere)

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