In the play, “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, it is based around a man named Willy Loman, who is a traveling salesman living in New York in the 1950’s. He lives with his wife Linda, who is a very caring woman and is concerned about Willy’s mental illness. He also has two sons, Biff and Happy, who are two years apart. Willy is struggling to finically support his family of four, and constantly worries about his son’s not becoming successful with their lives. In this play, we are able to dive deep into the American Dream, and see the reality behind it. The play “Death of a Salesman,” fits within the genre of tragedy because Willy Loman is trying to live the American Dream, which caused him to have such a high standard for his sons, which ended up ruining their relationships. Willy believes being well liked, well connected are what really matters when it comes to success and achieving the American Dream. But, in reality, all those things you need to work for, which Willy was unable to understand. The blackout poem is based around the main character, Willy. Willy undergoes fairly a lot in the play, and by reflecting the blackout poem around him, and his decisions that he made throughout helped create a poem that shows his regret and shame he felt during the play. Willy kept that huge secret to himself for 15 years that he had cheated on his wife until his son Biff discovers the woman and Willy in a hotel room together. Biff’s image of his dad changed from being a godlike figure came crashing down as finds out his father has cheated on his mother. In the poem, it goes on about how hurt his wife is and how his actions damage her. The tree in the blackout poem symbolizes development, and the heart that is connected to the tree roots represents no matter how much a person can change, their actions will still be with one, that is why the tree roots are wrapped around the heart.