The Ghettos Portrayed in “The Cage”

Polen, Ghetto Warschau, Ghettomauer

After reading and reviewing chapters 5-9 in the novel “The Cage” By Ruth Minsky Sender, I have well understanding of where and when the story is taking place. Seeing that the story is taking place in the ghetto of Poland seems hard-hitting. People are placed in small areas that include a great deal of people. Throughout this period of time, hunger and disease took place. Two diseases, Tuberculosis and Dysentery broke out during this time period and it was spreading fast. There were not many doctors, but the doctors that they had didn’t have the money and medication to help cure the sick or injured ones, so most people had to suffer. People who were not sick worked long days. When the Nazis invaded the Jewish, they would search their homes and sometimes separate their families. While the Jewish people were being evacuated from their houses by the Nazis, they would be cruel, harsh, and aggressive to the Jewish. The Nazis had zero patience for the Jews. Reaching the end of chapter nine I realized how much the Jewish people struggle throughout this time period. The Jews lost so many loved ones, and as well lost all of there human rights during the Holocast.