Novel Unit (Identity Lit Kit)





Thursday September 26th, 2024

Task 1: Book Talk for the Literature Circles

Task 2: Students make their book selections.

Task 3: Preview Assignment: Background Information Assignment.



Tuesday October 1st, 2023

Task 1: Students work on Background Information Assignment

Post the visual of your Background Information Visual on your blog. I will be checking during tomorrow’s class. 

Wednesday October 2nd, 2024

Task 1: Discuss Effective Questioning PowerPoint

Task 2: Do a closed reading of a children’s book. Students generate questions that would be potential good discussion questions.

Task 3: Do a closed reading of a children’s book. Students complete the Effective Questioning Worksheet.

Task 4: Students participate in a 15-minute discussion based on their 2 best questions. Students will be in groups of 3.

Task 4: Go over Expectations for Lit Discussions

Thursday October 5th 2023

Task 1: Go over Literary Lens PowerPoint and expectations for the Literary Circles.


Task 2: Go over the Literary Lenses for Historical Lens/Reader Response

  • Discussion #1- Your goal is to fully discuss the role that family has in shaping a person’s identity so far in the novel from the first few chapters.
  • What time period was this book written and what time period is your book taken place? Is there a connection between the two?
  • What background information do we need to know in order to understand what is going on in the novel to this point?
  • What do you like about novel so far?
  • Your group leader will need to come up with 3 or 4 questions for you first discussion. Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.

In preparation of the first discussion please work on the following assignment:


Friday October 6th, 2023

Task 1: Prepare for the 1st discussion


Tuesday October 10th 2023

Task 1: Non-Fiction Identity Worksheet.

Half the class will read Coming Out article and half the class will be reading the Artist article. Once you have read their articles, students will sit with someone who has the other article. They will summarize the article and then work together to find the similarities and the differences between the two articles.

Article A: Coming Out

Article B: How an Artist

Task 2: Students work on Non Fiction Identity Worksheet and go over the responses from the worksheet.

Task 3: Discuss the Non-Fiction Article with another student.

Task 4: Tutorial on using the Microphones

Wednesday October 11th 2023

Task 1: Discussion #1 Historical Lens/Reader Response

Students will conduct their first discussion. Students will record that discussion and upload the discussion on TEAMS.

Task 2: Introduce Psychological Lens in preparation for Discussion #2


Thursday October 12th 2023

Task 1: Go over the Id, Ego and SuperEgo

Example 1

Example #2

Task 3: Go over Psychological Lens Ignite Assignment

Option 1- Dave Cooks a Turkey by Stuart McLean

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EAD Logo Taking too long?

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Option 2: Joe the Painter and the Deer Lake Massacre by Thomas King

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EAD Logo Taking too long?

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Option 3: Entrophy by Andrea Rinard

Option 4: Popular Mechanics by Raymond Craver

Task 4: Students work on their Psychological Lens Ignite Presentation


Friday October 13th, 2023

Task 1: Students present their Psychological Lens Ignite Presentation. You are only presenting to your lit group members.

At the end of each presentation ask the following two questions:

  1. What did you like about the presentation?
  2. What did you wonder about the presentation?

You are posting your responses to these two questions in your group channel on TEAMS. This is part of the group’s mark so identify which presentation that you are referring to in your response.

Task 2: Students prepare for the second discussion: Psychological Lens

  • Discussion #2: Your goal is to fully discuss the big events from your novel from the psychological lens. Think about the plot, character, symbols, irony, and other literary devices through this lens.
  • Sample Questions
  • What psychological conflicts drive the characters or the plot?
  • What significant events are going to have an impact on the character’s psyche in the story?
  • Which characters exemplified one of the Id, Ego or SuperEgo at this point in the novel?
  • Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.


Monday October 16th, 2023

Task 1: Students prepare for discussion #2: Psychological Lens


Tuesday October 17th, 2023

Task 1: Students participate in Discussion #2: Psychological Lens

Task 2: Go over the Feminist Lens

Task 3: Work on the Feminist Lens Ad Activity

Wednesday October 18th, 2023

Task 1: Go over the Feminist Lens Ad Activity

Task 2: Show the following two clips to the class

Example #1

Example #2

Task 3: Feminist Stereotypes (Look for how are females and men are portrayed in this cartoon?)

Fill this in as you are watching the cartoon: Poor Cinderella (1934).

Task 4: Students will start the Feminist Lens Paragraph Assignment

Wednesday October 18th 2023 and Thursday October 19th 2023

Task 1: Students worked on the Feminist Lens Written Assignment



Monday October 23rd 2023 and Tuesday October 24th 2023

Task 2: Prepare for Discussion #3- Feminist Lens

  • Discussion #3- Your goal is to fully discuss the Feminist Lens and how it connects to your novel from the next few chapters of either book.
  • Sample Questions
  • What would life be like if the protagonist was of the opposite gender?
  • How are women viewed within this society?
  • Do you believe that the female characters in your novel are good and strong role models for other females?
  • Your group leader must come up with three more discussion questions that you would post in your Group Channel on TEAMS.

Wednesday October 25th 2023

Task 1: Students participate in Discussion #3

Task 2: Talk about Ecocentrism Lens and Archetype Lens

Example #1

Example of other Archetypes

Thursday October 26th 2023

Task 2: Look at some of examples of Ecocentrism

Task 3: Ecocentrism/Archetype Lens Activity

Task 4: Ecocentrism Write

Monday October 30th 2023 and Tuesday October 31st 2023

Task 1: Students prepare for the fourth discussion: Archetypal Lens/Ecocentrism Lens

  • Discussion #4- Your goal is to fully discuss the role that archetypes has in shaping events, characters and other literary elements in the novel from the next few chapters.
  • What is the relationship between your protagonist and nature (land)?
  • How has the protagonist’s archetype changed in your novel?
  • Outside of characters, what archetypes have shaped the character’s identity?
  • Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.

Wednesday November 1st 2023

Task 1: Students participate in Discussion #4

Task 2: Go over New Criticism and Reader Response Lens

  • Discussion #5- Your goal is to fully discuss the criticism lens so far in the novel from the first few chapters.
  • Sample Questions
  • What literary devices were most helpful in better understanding your novel?
  • What lessons can we learn from the novel?
  • Which literary devices did the author rely on the most in the novel? Do you believe it enhanced the story or not?
  • Come up with two more questions on your own for this discussion.

New Criticism

Thursday November 2nd, 2023 and Friday November 3rd, 2023

Task 1: Start preparation for the Lit Circle Novel Research Paper

Task 2: Lesson on using the Database: Canada in Context

Students will log on and learn how to use the database to find an article for their novel research essay. Your goal is to find an article and bring it to class on Thursday or Friday.

Task 3: Students start searching for a Non- Fiction article for your Lit Circle Research Essay

Monday November 6th, 2023 and Tuesday November 7th 2023

Task 1: Students prepare for Discussion #5

  • Discussion #5- Your goal is to fully discuss the criticism lens so far in the novel from the first few chapters.
  • Sample Questions
  • What literary devices were most helpful in better understanding your novel?
  • What lessons can we learn from the novel?
  • Which literary devices did the author rely on the most in the novel? Do you believe it enhanced the story or not?
  • Come up with two more questions on your own for this discussion.

Task 2: Students work on their Novel Synthesis Research Essay

Wednesday November 8th, 2023

Task 1: Students participate in Discussion #5

Task 2: Students continue to work on their Synthesis Research Essay


Task 1: Community Connections Novel Project Check- In #2

Work Block: Students work on the following:

1. Community Novel Project (Check in takes place on Monday and Tuesday)

2. Continue to prepare for you Lit Circle Synthesis Research Paper

Task 2: Work Block

Students can work on the following assignments:

  1. Community Connections Project
  2. Novel Synthesis Research Essay



November 29th and November 30th 2022

Community Connections Novel Project Presentations

Helpful Tips:

Task 2: Draft Essay Peer Edit Review

Thursday November 16th 2023


Brainstorming Sheet

Brainstorming sheet- Community


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