DNA candy lab.

Right now my class and I are learning about biology. Recently we started expanding on DNA and genetics are were instructed to create a DNA Model. Together alongside Juliana (my partner) made the model with the double helix made of licorice and the nucleotides made of marshmallow. We then attached everything with tooth picks and…

Science Star project

We were required to make a project about stars and how they work. I did mine on sway and I’m proud of what i did. Here is the link to my project. https://sway.com/ptBEHlX2YhCoKPAh Here are the flash cards to study after: https:// quizlet.com/108271229/flashcards And here is the test when you are done: https:// quizlet.com/108280811/test? matching=on&mult_choice=on&tf=on&prompt-…

Detergent Lab

Purpose: To find out which detergent brand (Tide/medium price, Ultra/medium price, Woolite/expensive, Sunlight/cheap, Plain water/free) works the best on a stained rug. Each piece of fabric will consist of the same material, have the same type of stain, will be stirred the same quantity of time, and have an equal amount of detergent. Materials: Water,…

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