Social Justice 12 Core competencies

Critical thinking

Social justice is like a roller coaster ride that will be hard to forget about. This course made me step out of your comfort zone and really think. This class taught me to be able to critically think no matter how hard or confusing the matter may be. I had to question everything and find out why or how it happened. I really think that is a skill because it is very hard to be able to do that for the first time. There were a lot of sensitive topics and had to be able to push all other opinions away from you. I had to develop ideas and add my own opinions to it, to find solutions, to find ways to end it, and to help others fix it. Overall this class really helped me open up eyes and really figure out what our world is like in today’s society. For the first time, it really made me care about all the issues that are happening in our world. For the first time, I was able to speak for myself, rather than being told what to hear and what to say. So, thank you Mr. Ursu for this amazing experience.

WW2 holocaust questions

Why were the Jews targeted by the Nazi’s?

    • Jews were considered the dominant race which made Germans very jealous. Germans were the chosen people of the world, Hitler saw this as an opportunity to completely wipe out their entire race in europe.

Who was Adolf Hitler?

Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Austria. He is the leader of the Nazi party, chancler, and fuhra of Germany. It took Hitler almost 10 years to plan this tragic incident. His plan was extremely organised and wasn’t done overnight. He split german into many groups and was doing many things at once. While he was collecting jews, he was also taking over a country at the same time. 

Why do we need to remember the Holocaust?

Holocaust is unique because unlike other camps, the Jews were meant to be murdered and be experimented on, not to be kept away.

More than 9 million jews vanished from this world. This is not about the amount people killed, it’s about how unique this was. Ghenis Khan killed 40 million people. The holocaust is unique because Hitler didn’t like a certain race and he wanted them gone.

We must remember the haulocost because it 

happened. Because it happened, we must understand the evil, the systematic evil, the state-sponsored evil, industrialized killing, mass murders that were the essence of the Holocaust. We must understand its emblematic invention, the death camp, and the people who served in these camps.


-We must remeber the holocauust also because murder is the greatest crime that can be committed. The Holocaust was not the single murder of six million people, but six million individual murders. Remembering the Holocaust is an important act in itself, and honouring its victims, both Jews and gentiles, particularly those with no family left to remember them, is a further reason why the work of the British Holocaust Commission will be so important.


-We must remember the holocauust also because nobody saw it coming Jews were well integrated into German society over the course of several hundred years. German Jews felt relatively safe prior to the rise of Nazism; even after Hitler became chancellor, they could not have known what was coming.


-The holocaust took a decade to plan out and to be used The nightmarish ideology of the Third Reich did not develop overnight, yet the actual timeline of escalation is horrifyingly short. Adolf Hitler took power in January 1933. Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, was in November 1938. By 1941, the Nazis’ “Final Solution” was under way. By 1945, it was over.


-There are still people out there sending messages and signs even today .In recent years, we have seen a huge amount of surge in antisemitism. FBI statistics on hate crimes show that crimes against Jews in 2017 accounted for more than half of all hate crimes against any religious group.

In October, 11 worshipers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh were gunned down because they were Jewish.

The year 2017 saw a 37% increase in antisemitic hate crime – rising for the third year in a row. Meanwhile, a recent CNN poll revealed that 1 in 20 Europeans had never heard of the Holocaust.

Why was the German strategy so effective on the Jews in the concentration camps (NOT THE ARMY)?

  • Jews were put into forced labor in the camps 
  • Jews were experimented on to improvise medical treatments on the troops on the field
  • By wiping out the Jews, it gives Hitler and his troops motivation
  • Propaganda was also used to defame the Jews


Where were the most famous concentration camps in Europe? 

  • Auschwitz (it was the most lethal of the Nazi extermination camps. Between 1.1 and 1.5 million people died at Auschwitz; 90 percent of them were Jews.)
  • Belzec(it was a Nazi German extermination camp where 6 million Jews got killed. It was operated from 17 March 1942 to the end of June 1943.)
  • Chelmno(it was the first of the Nazi German extermination camp. At the very minimum, 152,000 people got killed, and at the largest 200,000 people.) 
  • Majdanek(it was a German concentration and extermination camp built by Schutzstaffel during world war 2. It operated from October 1 st 1941, until July 22,1944. It has killed 78 000 people. ) 
  • Maly trostinets ( it was a small village in the first place however, Nazi took it over during the world war 2. It has killed over 200 000 people.) 


Works Cited:



Why were the jews hated?

What was the intentions behind the holocaust

Who iseffected by the holocaust (not only jews)


Neuron and Synapse function


Also known as a nerve cell or nerve fibers. They are electrically excitable cells in nervous system. Their function is to process and transmit information.

Action potential occurs when  the membrane of a cell’s location is rapidly rising or falling.


Transfers electric activity to cells. The transfer from nerve to nerve.

The axon of the sending neuron does not touch the dendrite from the receiving of the neuron. There is usually a small gap in between them, the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitters travel across the synapse between axon and the dendrite.

The receiving neuron will determine whether or not to send its own action potential. if it sees if it is excitatory or inhibitory.


Fashion project




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?


Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.


I feel that this project helped me a lot with my communication because I was able to read it without feeling the urge for nervousness. I’m not very good at speaking in front of crowds, but through this project, I was able to practice that and stepped out of my comfort zone. Overall I think that our communication as a group was incredible and there is always room for improvements.


English 11 – Reality Reflection

  1. Education: My education is the most important thing to me and it also means a lot to me. Me being able to push myself every day to work hard at school because this is the only chance I get to really push myself through to be the greatest I can be.  Might as well take good advantage of it because after school there is not a lot of time left because the real world uses up all of it. It’s built to keep us busy, and continuously working.  Being able to learn something new every day, knowing that you worked hard every day is the best thing for me because it really means a lot to me.

2. Career: My goal is to become a lawyer and that has always been my dream. Through this career, I’m going to open myself to horrible things. Such as the family court, criminal court and many more. Experiencing tragic things such as people going to court because no one wants to be seen going to court. It has got to be the worst day of somebody’s life to be going to court.  Me being able to serve my country and work for the government and help those who are having a problem with someone or something that gives me satisfaction being able to help others.