CBL – Engineering Brighness Artifacts of Learning –

I think that we helped adress light poverty in de Dominican Republic, by connecting with multiple schools, and students who are interested and are completing the same project we are. This helped us decide the kind of light we wanted to make. We talked with New Brunswick as well as the Dominican Republic, to get thier help as well as thier opinion on the project, what they are planning on creating and thier ideas on the project. I think that this really helped our group, since we were able to collaberate with others and get thier opinion on how we could make what we are doing even more effective than it already was. When we first got the project, we had to first decide on a design. With collaberation between the two schools, we were able to get input on many different design ideas (kenetic energy, solar panel, battery ), to finally decide on wich would be the most effective in the end, we compared the pros and cons from each skype call that gave us feedback, to finally decide on a design of using a battery pack, to charge the flashlight, (the batteries being recharable).
After we decided which design we would use, we started to plan out the actual design of the flashlight, which was convienient for us since one of the members of our group (Kaleb), is in Industrial Design 10, so he had direct acess to the 3D Printers. So, while we added our opinions to how the design should look, and work, Kaleb was the expert on how the flashlight would work best, and also how to print it. This process also involved lots of reasearch from the whole group, of what designs worked and how, what they where, and when we did decide on a type of flashlight, how the body would look to make it the most effective that it could be. During theis project, we also recived help from “Matt”, a grade 12 who helped us with our project, by creating our circuit board for the light. Once both sides of the light were built from the 3D printer, we assembled them together. We have not yet created the light to come from within the light body or structure, but we will soon. We have bothmain parts that we will need to really create the light, so now all we have to do, will be to assemble everything together, to create the working light. So, our group has almost created a working light.
I feel that I have gained many skills from this experience. I have obviously gained a better knowledge of electricity, and the different types of it, as well as how it works. I have gained a better ability to reach out to others, that I could have possibly not known how to do prior to this project, but more than that, I have gained the opportunity to communicate with others that I could have possibly never have met if I had not been a part of this project. I feel that I have really met the learning goals that I had set for myself, not only did we manage to create a light together, but we really took the opinions from others and used them to our advantage, while making valuable connections with others, and using our own ideas to really leave it to us to figure out how to create a light, which is a really open idea of learning and teaching.
I have made connections throughout this project that could possibly benefit me throughout the rest of my learning carrer, and have learned that others have valuable knowledge that you can be benefitted from as well as them. I also really learned, that connecting to others, and the idea of CBL, is much more benefitial than I had before presumed. I think that it is a very modern way of learning and it really brings together connecting with others to another level, which will be able to help most of us with the rest of our educational careers (like I already mentioned), but also for some of us, the rest of our lives, as it will be a very valuable skill, to be able to connect and work well with others, and to be able to work in many different types of situations (in school, or life). I feel that our group worked well together, coming up with good ideas, and communicating together well aswell. But, I think that we could have worked on our time manegment, to get the most done in the least amount of time, to really give us a lot more time afterwards to perfect the light as much as we possibly could. But otherwise, I feel like we really succeded from this project, gained alot, aswell as accomplished a lot, created many new connections, and just really got a good idea of how to connect with others and collaberate well with each other, as well as collaberating well with other groups or even other schools, I am very happy with how this project turned out and how it went. I really enjoyed the learning process and the project idea in general.
For that, I would like to thank everyone who gave me the opportunity to participate in this project, as I feel that I grew, steping out of my comfort zone more, and I made so many new connections, and gained a lot of getting an idea of how sykpe chats in the future will work, and how I can reach out to others on my own. I also really enjoyed that this project was very collaberative with others, as I now know that reaching out to others for thier oppinion and help is benefitial. For example, we would not have been able to create a circuit board for ourr light, without the help from another student. I also really liked how we got to physically see our end result, as it really gave a sense of purpose to all of our hard work. I think that it is increadable that we were capable of creating this light in the end, as I was not sure that we even had the ability to in the begining of this project, and for that I would like to thank everyone who made this project a possibility for everyone.
Mr. Robinson
January 22, 2017 at 5:54 pm (8 years ago)I love how you created your own picture to capture the attention of your readers. I really like the reflective nature of your post and the fact that you thanked the people involved. You have learned a lot this semester and I hope that you take these ideas and apply them to the rest of your schooling and to life. Great work!