Starting the Change for First Nations People

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There are so many terms that we don’t use any more as they are seen as racist, derogatory, or offensive. Despite the word Eskimo having an awful past, a sports team decides that using the word Eskimo in their team name is appropriate. The Edmonton Eskimos.

When was the word Eskimo used? The word Eskimo was used by archeologists and anthropologist when referring to northern First Nations people. They were pretty much calling the First Nations people cavemen and unintelligent. The term shines a bad light on the First Nations people. Norma Dunning, a First Nations with a PhD in Indigenous People’s Education at the University has called out the Edmonton sports team saying that “it’s time to get rid of it and recognise the Inuit people as modern day people.” Instead of saying that they will change the sports team name they said they use the word Eskimo with positivity and the “utmost respect”. There is nothing positive or respect about the word. It is an insult to all northern First Nations people.

Lots of Inuit people think that the name change would show respect to the First Nations people. If an entire group of people are saying the team name is inappropriate, derogatory, offensive, disrespectful, and wrong then why has the team not made any changes to their name. The First Nations people and the sports team have two opposing perspectives on the issue, but it was not the sports team being mistreated and misplaced. It was the Inuit people. The sports team seems to not understand that. If someone asks you to stop calling them something then you do the polite and respectful thing to do and you stop. And just because the team was founded in 1949, a racist time, doesn’t mean that they can’t change it. The First nations people have been mistreated for so much longer than they’ve had their dumb sports team name.

If the team name had the N word in it, or any other racist term would they have changed it? Probably. But the team has no respect for the Inuit people who have suffered and had their land stolen from them. Its because of teams like theirs that derogatory words are still being thrown and the First Nations people, be one to start the domino effect and change your team name Edmonton Eskimos. By the type of role model that the world needs. Show respect to those who suffered.


Moddejonge, Gerry Moddejonge More from Gerry. “Edmonton Eskimos plan to stick with name despite calls to change it.” Edmonton Journal, 24 Aug. 2017,

Snowdon, Wallis. “Edmonton Eskimos name an insult to the Inuit, says local Inuk woman.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 14 Nov. 2017,

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