Lit Circle Final Project – “Fight Club”

The novel “Fight Club” is an extraordinary novel about dissociation, split-personally disorder and breaking the conventional corporate lifestyle. This novel is truly a work of art, it goes through the story of an unnamed narrator who suffers from insomnia: “For years now, I’ve wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep.” – The Narrator (p.180) and the mundane corporate life that he lives. The narrator meets Tyler in the early stages of the book, who is a strange person, like the narrator. The two of them then go off to create fight club one night when Tyler says: “I want you to hit me as hard as you can” (p. 46). From that point on the novel get more and more violent starting with fight clubs popping up everywhere and then Project Mayhem. Throughout this time the narrator is dissociated and just follows along with Tyler: “This is why we needed to buy a gun. This was doing my homework. We each had to bring Tyler twelve driver’s licenses.” (p. 151) After awhile of the violence ramping up, Bob dies. This knocks some sense into the narrator and he realizes to end the pointless violence of fight club and project mayhem: “A man is dead, I say. This game is over. It’s not fun anymore… I yell, go home!” (p. 178). After this Tyler starts indirectly fighting the narrator with the death of his boss and sending the space monkeys after him: “Tyler killed my boss… The problem is I sort of liked my boss… “You’re a brave man” the bus driver says, “to make yourself a homework assignment”” (p. 186). After this The Narrator chooses to eliminate Tyler by shooting himself: “I’m not killing myself, I yell. I’m killing Tyler” (p. 205). Here the narrator sees himself as a morale good person and decides to eliminate Tyler Durden. That is the journey that the narrator goes through struggling with his split personality, insomnia and dissociation.

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