Community Connections

For my community connection project, I interviewed Shannon she’s a financial consultant in Trademark Wealth. The reason I interviewed Shannon is that I was curious and interested in that particular field. I wanted to have an insight into what it would be like to be a financial consultant if I consider going into this field myself in the future.


Shannon helps clients with their finance and make sure that everything is doing well and give suggestions if it’s needed. She helps her clients set up a goal and makes sure they achieve their dreams and ensure their life. Checkups are regular to re-evaluate their current situation and to plan accordingly for their future goals.


Here are the questions I asked Shannon and her response to them (from call):

Why are you passionate about your job or role?

“ I’m passionate about my job because I can help others to build their dreams, to make them come true and to help ensure their life.”


What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“ I had to get a license for my job while doing my studies in school and having to take care of my kid and family.”



What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“ I would say, make sure you are good at making a routine for yourself and ensure that tasks get done probably because if it’s not done properly it leads to something big later on. Also, make sure that you’re a detailed oriented person and organized with your things.”


 Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“Of course! they can contact me by my cell number “  788-869-5321


What would a routine look like in your role?

“After I arrive in my office I check my emails to make sure nothing’s missing, then I would go over any tasks and meetings and trades for further in the day. Afterwards, I would go over funds and withdrawals with my clients to make sure everything is in order. Then I would check for the rates and make sure everything is up to date. After, I would prepare the meetings for my advisers. Then I would move on going over any trade purchases and redemptions on that day. Once that’s finished, I would check to see if the money is moving properly for a family’s passed ones. I would go over documents with the client officer to see if any documents are passed through or not. Then, I go over requesting funds and see if the requests are going smoothly for the client and then prepare documents for my clients.”


How did you get interested in your role?

“ I used to work for a third-party administrator for benefits before I moved to my current house. After I’ve moved, I was on a search for a similar job that I did but instead, I ended up finding my advisers and fell in love with this job.”



what have you learned? and how does it connect to you? 

This interview has allowed me to release all of my curiosity about this job, I’ve learned quite a few things and got an opportunity to talk to a financial adviser on how I could get to their position in the future. It inspired me how they help people set up their dreams and goals step by step. I’m also passionate about helping others whether it might be a small issue or not. A small gesture like helping someone might seem simple on the outside, but on the inside, it has a big impact. While the journey might be a long one or not you can’t tell unless you’ve adventured on it, but the greatest feeling is when you’ve helped someone and in the end, you see them happy and successful. I want a future where I could help others, whether it may be emotionally or physically. If others are happy it makes me quite happy as well to see them in that state of mind.

sources (pictures)

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

Photo by Flora Westbrook from Pexels

Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

One thought on “Community Connections

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
    – To further the connection, try and get commentary on the post, such as sharing it with the individual you interviewed, and see if they will leave feedback
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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