HCE English 9

Humans are human’s, that is just what we are. Humans have made mistakes in the past, and will make many more, our failures are the building blocks for our success. These stumbles can also make us fall into deeper pit’s, opening a whole new conversation about equality and equity in our society, if we continue meeting these barriers the world would be a better place for everyone, no matter what race or skin color you are.  


I feel like the image represents us human beings working together. With the two different people, from different place’s, seeming to come together on common ground. That is important because it proves to us that we can show kindness and compassion towards others that may not share the same beliefs as us but still strive to make the world a better place for all. 


I feel like in the recent past we have had leaders who push away change and collaboration from marginalized community’s, though they let the racist few go by un-touched. I saw this through out the past four years with President Trump. I only truly understood this in January, during the insurrection on Capitol Hill in Washington, when people were riled up into a frenzied mob by Trump’s speech, then were led by militarized groups that attempted to overthrow last November’s presidential election, And Trump refused to call in the national guard from neighboring states. Though during the B.L.M. protests in Washington, were he had his security detail teargas peaceful protesters in a plaza, to take a PHOTO in front of a church.

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