How my digital footprint can affect my future opportunities– it can affect my future opportunity because if I tweet/post anything it can be found later on in life and if I post something bad and offensive as a joke someone may take it seriously and may cause the loss of a job or getting in trouble over what I thought was a joke. Or maybe if I do something good and it ends up in the papers and online people can see it and it can help with other things in life that I need like a job or something.
Three strategies that can help keep your footprint safe– always post like your grandma is watching and make sure it’s appropriate, don’t make offensive remarks torwards other people because it’s rude and can be traced to you later on in life, don’t go around doing things you shouldn’t because everything is tracked and up you can be caught.
What did I learn and what would I pass onto others?– Well I’ve learned a lot about how to make a website but I know we’re talking digital footprint. What I’ve learned is that nothing you do is untracka or and you have to be careful what you’re doing and not just going around doing stupid things. Something I’d pass onto others is that your digital footprint is something you want to keep clean and something you should be proud of not ashamed of.