Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

There are a lot of ways in which your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities. One of the things that this can affect could be your university or college and even your job opportunities. Anybody can look up your digital footprint and can see things such as any inappropriate or rude comments or posts that you’ve made on social medias, even after they’ve been “deleted”. After you’ve supposedly deleted your search history, comments, posts and more, that information is still accessible to anybody that searches your digital footprint. The posts or stories that you’ve been tagged in may also affect you. Sometimes your digital footprint could be someone’s first impression of you, such as an employer that has decided to check your digital footprint before scheduling an interview, or a university that wants to get to know a little bit more about you. A negative digital footprint can be the only thing standing in between your dream job or university. Therefore, it is important to keep a positive digital footprint.


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.


There are many strategies that may help keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. One of these strategies include making sure that you are aware that everything you post, such as comments and social media posts will always be on your digital footprint even after being deleted. This means that you shouldn’t be posting anything that you will regret later in your life and thinking before posting anything. Another way to protect your digital footprint is keeping private social media accounts, in order to provide as much security as possible. You shouldn’t let anybody that you don’t know, because you don’t know what they might comment on your posts, or what information they might share with other people. You also shouldn’t give out your personal information on places such as games. You should be aware that any websites, accounts and posts you visit and any texts you send will be visible on your digital footprint. Something that you should do from time to time is to google your name and check to see what shows up. Another thing that would keep your digital footprint safe is making secure passwords and being aware of terms and conditions on websites or apps that you are visiting.


What information did you learn that you would pass onto other students? How would you go about telling them?

Some information that I would pass onto other students includes telling them to be careful of what they are posting, commenting, searching, opening and texting, as it will be visible later. They should also know not to post anything that they will regret. Anything you share online can be screenshotted and shared, such as pictures or texts. Another thing that students should learn, is that they shouldn’t overshare information on websites and games. Technology is an amazing thing, but it can be bad in some ways. For example, it can take away from your privacy by tracking your location, the websites you visit by using cookies and more. These things could be helpful by giving you things such as restaurant and store recommendations, but it can be weird, creepy, unsettling and an invasion of personal and private information as well. I would let other students know about the dangers of sharing information online and tell them to google their names from time to time, in order to check if there is any unwanted information online. A lot of teenagers these days have public social media accounts and I don’t think that they realize all the risks and dangers associated with having an account that anybody can view. In conclusion, they should know that you can find out a lot about a person by looking at their digital footprint and it may affect their future opportunities.



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7 thoughts on “Digital Footprint

  1. Hey Natalie,
    Your article was very detailed and informative. My favorite thing that you brought up was that we should not think that deleting actually exists because there are still ways to access deleted things!

    1. Thank you Stella, it is true that even after something has been deleted, it can still be accessed by searching up your digital footprint.

  2. Hi Natalie,
    Your post is very detailed and interesting. Something that you said that I hadn’t thought about was how you put the word “deleted” in quotations. I agree that we all have to remember that when you post something, it always stays somewhere, even if we think that we’ve permanently deleted it. I think that your post shows that you really understand how important a digital footprint is.

  3. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations are extremely effective in answering the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Photos and or media is exemplary
    – Post is completed and is well done!

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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