Desmos Post Card Project

In this project, I figured out what equations to use by constantly playing with the different equations to make different shapes. Eventually, with lots of practice, I knew what equation made what kind of shape, so I used that knowledge to create my picture. Some challenges that I had included using the absolute value equations and creating the border of my picture. Firstly, the absolute value equation. For me, this was the hardest to put into my picture. This was mostly because I couldn’t find a part of my picture with the ‘v’ shape. But as I played around with equations, it started to make a lot more sense to me. Another part that was hard was creating the border of my picture. At first an I used the equation x = #, but then I realized that it actually wasn’t a function. For this part especially I had to use my creativity and I decided to use a cubic equation that didn’t have a very big slope. This helped me to create the allusion that it was a straight line, but in reality, it wasn’t. In this project, I used the strategy of playing around with the different equations. This helped me to understand how I could move the line around the graph in order to create my picture. Another strategy I used is doing the shading of the picture, last. I made this decision because I realized that I need to see the base of my photo in order to create a good depiction of the image. This assignment helped me to understand transformations and functions because I was required to use each function once. As I familiarized myself with the different functions, I was able to create the correct shape without thinking. I feel this was because of the constant need to use the different functions. Overall, this project furthered my understanding and taught me how to apply my learning in a different format.



Desmos Project

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