Local Legends

A long time ago, under the beautiful night sky, a woman saw a shooting star and said “that is your future husband coming for you”. She laughed, when the next star came down, the other woman said the same thing. The two women went to sleep that night and awoke in the sky with their husbands. Each day,  the husbands would send the wives out […]

Cedar Gathering Reflection

Last Thursday, 09/23/21, we went out and did a smudge ceremony. It was something that I’ve never done before and was quite interesting. We lit something called a smudge stick and it started smoking. A smudge stick contains various herbs including sage, thyme, sweet grass, rosemary, lavender, and mugwort. Ms. Tate also use a pretty […]

EFP Forest Walk

Today, we went around the school as a “forest walk”. We went with Mr. Cowie behind the school and talked about the different plants that grow here that indigenous people used back then. We talked about the 3 uses of a plant: Medicine, technology, and herbs. There were 9 plants in total that we talked […]