Essiential Question

Essential Question: How could our group help make Tim get off the couch. this question helps us find out what improves could we make for our project, it also helps us think deeper about Tim and his situation. Questions: Huntingtins affect getting off the…

Currents from the kitchen

The greatest fruit/vegetable used will be the potato, due to how famous his vegetable is for being a battery. Potato have been famous through out media, it has been one of the most fruit tested in recent history. The photo battery was created in 1854…

Electricity Mind Map

(Click on the image for better view) Questions I have about electricity: 1) Are there electricity formulas, if so which ones will we learn this unit? 2) Is there a connection between radios waves and electricity? 3) What causes static electricity? 4) How do power…

Connnections Based Learning Proposal

We talked to Tim Mepham and his daughter Nicola in live in Nicola lodge. Tim unfortunately has huntingtins which affects his communication, movement and dexterity. Our Goal is for Tim to have a few things to help him surviving with huntingtins. I am interesting in…

Digital Footprint

Picture sources: and   Your digital footprint is important for your future because it might risk or entire life. A digital footprint is like a footprint that can never disappear. In some cases It could affect your education, your job and the friends you…