How Do Cells Multiply?

Asexual Reproduction is a form of cell multiplication where a parent (not parents) makes a offspring that is an exact copy of the parent. Between both sexual and asexual reproduction they both follow three stages: Interphase where replicated DNA is made, mitosis where the replicated…

Connection-Based Learning

Couch Model                         We have been working in group for month to help a man named Tim with huntingtins. Through interaction with Tim we found out his struggles with his daily life. Each group…

Modeling Mitosis

Millions of Cells die each day, so to keep are structure cells must duplicate. The method of cell duplication is called “The cell cycle” and has 3 stage Interphase, Mitosis which includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase, and the final stage Cytokinesis. This model represents…

Edible deoxyribonucleic acid

Deoxyribonucleic acid or referred as DNA are the building blocks of every living thing. DNA are located in the nucleus, their job is to make a lot of proteins, then the protein make sequence of base each protein is its own base. DNA may create…

Essiential Question

Essential Question: How could our group help make Tim get off the couch. this question helps us find out what improves could we make for our project, it also helps us think deeper about Tim and his situation. Questions: Huntingtins affect getting off the…

Currents from the kitchen

The greatest fruit/vegetable used will be the potato, due to how famous his vegetable is for being a battery. Potato have been famous through out media, it has been one of the most fruit tested in recent history. The photo battery was created in 1854…

Electricity Mind Map

(Click on the image for better view) Questions I have about electricity: 1) Are there electricity formulas, if so which ones will we learn this unit? 2) Is there a connection between radios waves and electricity? 3) What causes static electricity? 4) How do power…