New Media Intro

Max Baker English 10 New Media 8 February 2021 Mr. Barazzuol The Dangers of New Media            Media is a great way to interact with each other and find information, but what is new media and how dangerous it could be?…

Data Visualization

For this assignment, I had to use data to construct a way to visual show that information in a unique and effective way. When deciding a topic I thought of an idea where as the difference between the numbers got bigger the bigger the object…

Scientific Method Paper Airplanes

For this assignment, our group wanted to see how tilting the tips of the wings would affect the distance from which the plane was thrown. We compared the distance from three different airplanes, one with the tip tilted up, one titled down and the other…

Staying Safe at Work

The most important part to know in a new job is the training you need to not get hurt on the job. I think the most important responsibility I should take is speaking up for myself when I think a task is unsafe. I think…