How Do Cells Multiply?

Asexual Reproduction is a form of cell multiplication where a parent (not parents) makes a offspring that is an exact copy of the parent. Between both sexual and asexual reproduction they both follow three stages: Interphase where replicated DNA is made, mitosis where the replicated DNA is spit and Cytokensis where the daughter cell is made. There are 5 different types of asexual reproduction: budding where multiple organisms repeat mitosis is make an one multi-cellular organism, binary fission where a cell duplicates, fragmentation where a part of the parent become its own organism, vegetative reproduction where special cells in plants can create new identical plants and spore formation where micro organism create spores one cell that can grow. Humans and mammals do not used asexual reproduction however things like plants and micro organisms and our cells do use the asexual reproduction.  Asexual Reproduction is in my opinion is the weirdest and most interesting type of reproduction, due to the different types of asexual reproduction.

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Sexual reproduction is the other type of reproduction where the chromosomes of a male and a female create an offspring. Instead of mitosis, chromosome do not duplicate, so when a daughter cell is made a part of the chromosomes from the parents cell split in to the daughter cell until there is one chromosome pair (one from each sex). The chromosomes in the cell later form a fetus which would then grow into the offspring, four weeks from fertilization when the brain and spinal cord form then forming the rest of the organ such as kidneys and lungs, 8 weeks then the sexual difference are nearly complete, 16 to 24 weeks then movement could be felt and eye lids begin to open, and final the fetus then rapidly gains weight until birth. Unlike asexual reproduction, there is only one way to preform sexual reproduction likely because mammals have most of the same organs. Asexual reproduction maybe a faster method of reproduction but like has less pros than sexual reproduction.

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The process Sexual Reproduction still has DNA go through interphase, mitosis and cytokensis however the process Sexual Reproduction has chromosomes go meiosis which is completely different from mitosis. Mitosis has 4 stage included in it, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telphase, prophase where DNA is connected with its duplicated part, metaphase where DNA centers in the cell, anaphase is where DNA separates with the help of sister chromatids, and teloplase where two nuclear membranes form around the DNA and the replicated DNA. Meiosis must do through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telphase twice, prophase 1 where chromosomes and chromatids share genetic material in a process know as crossing over, metaphase 1 chromosome pair up at the equator of the cell, anaphase 1 where chromosomes are separate and are pulled into the daughter cell, telophase 1 where one chromosome pair is in a pole in each pair, prophase 2 where one chromosome pair is in each cell, metaphase 2 where the chomosome center in the cell anaphase 2 where sister chromatids separate to the opposite polls and become chromosomes and finally telophase 2 where spindle fibers disappear. Unlike mitosis, meiosis doesn’t require interphase or cytokensis  because chromosomes don’t duplicate and the cell duplicates during meiosis. To sum everything up, meiosis is more enhanced and complicated compared to mitosis.

This was a huge project and in my opinion and excellent finish to our science 9 course.

Image links:

  1. Cell picture 
  2. Chromosome picture