
Despite the advances that many equal right activists made to eliminate racism, it still remains though very much less socially acceptable than before.  Racism will always exist because of the sheer fact that it will always be known about.  Since we are educated about the ideas and background behind racism of all forms, we can draw our own conclusions and opinions as to whether or not it is right, and that gives us the option to decide for ourselves if we want to participate in racism.  Though racism has definitely improved, and is a lot less acceptable than before, there is no denial that people of colour are still being discriminated for the sole fact that they are of colour and aren’t white.  Racism has transformed a lot from being slavery, discrimination, and total social segregation of certain ethnic groups to a more calmed down but still serious verbal discrimination and physical violence.

Racism has improved significantly over the years, but if this much progress has been made, why not continue until it is no longer a problem?

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