Week 15 Blog Post

This week in pre calc 11 we reviewed trigonometry and started on our new parts of it. This week we focused on finding angles in ALL quadrants and not just one quadrant, meaning we have more than just one answer, where as before when we would only find the angle in the one quadrant we would just have one angle.

We also learnt a new acronym that will help us know if the ratio is going to be positive or negative in what quadrant. The acronym is “All Students Take Calculus”.  This makes solving questions a little faster, because now when solving for theta we have more than just one answer, so it is useful to know if it is going to be positive or negative and will save you some time.

Bonus Math 11 Blog Post

This year in Math I found it a lot harder than previous years. I did not get the grades I wanted on tests. I have more of a understanding of different math concepts and have gotten way better at working in groups with students. Here is the 5 best things I have learned this year:

Number 1: A question I found challenging on the test was when they were asking to find the axis of symmetry. I forgot that its going up and down not right to left. I got confused on that and ended up guessing so I don’t think I got that question right. To find the axis of symmetry you first need to find the vertex. Once you have found the vertex then its whatever coordinates that is going up and where the vertex is.

Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola

Number 2: The hardest thing I found on the test was completing the square. In this question here the first step you have to do is factor the 3 because its what’s common in the first number. Your first line would be 3(x2-4/3 x) +5. The next thing you have to do is 4/3×1/2=4/6=2/3.  You then get 2/3 squared which you have to square both numbers and you get 4/9 which is your final answer. These questions I found the hardest because I didn’t know how to start the question which is the most important part when doing these types of questions.

How to Complete the Square (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Number 3: A question I found hard this week was a problem in my workbook. The question asked to translate the question y=x2. I found these questions hard because I forgot when units move left it is a positive. I’m used to seeing if unit move to the left then it will become a negative and vice versa. If its translating up then it will always be a positive that won’t change and same with when its translating units down it will be the same.

Math Picure 4

Number 4: For this question you need see what numbers that multiply that will get you to -11x. There is 2 numbers which is -4 and 3x. That = -12x but you need something else to get you to -11x. That number would be 1. The final answer you get for this question is (3x+1) (x-4).

3 Ways to Solve Quadratic Equations - wikiHow

Number 5: For this question on ordering these numbers from least to greatest I put all of them into a entire radical to see what one was the biggest and what one was the smallest. There was two number that were both 24. The one with the negative would be less because a positive is always greater than a negative.

Math Picure 3





Week 11 Blog Post

This week in Math we had our unit 4 test on graphing. I found some parts of the test really challenging and some parts easier. This week coming up in Math I am looking forward to our next unit which is think is trigonometry because that’s a unit from grade 10 math I really enjoyed. I am gonna continue to work as hard as I can to help get my Math grade up by going in for help still when I need it and asking my classmates different kinds of questions.

A question I found challenging on the test was when they were asking to find the axis of symmetry. I forgot that its going up and down not right to left. I got confused on that and ended up guessing so I don’t think I got that question right. To find the axis of symmetry you first need to find the vertex. Once you have found the vertex then its whatever coordinates that is going up and where the vertex is.


Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola


Week 10 Blog Post

This Week in Math we continued to work on chapter 4. So far I have found this unit the easiest of all the units. Graphing for me isn’t the hardest because I like to use t chart to show and explain my work. It may take a little bit longer to do but I am way more confident in using them and I feel like im getting most of the answers right when I’m using it

Math Picure 4

A question I found hard this week was a problem in my workbook. The question asked to translate the question y=x2. I found these questions hard because I forgot when units move left it is a positive. I’m used to seeing if unit move to the left then it will become a negative and vice versa. If its translating up then it will always be a positive that won’t change and same with when its translating units down it will be the same.

Week 9 Blog Post

This week in Math we had our first mid term test. I am very disappointed with the mark I got because I have been studying all week for it. When I was studying I felt way more confident than when I Was doing it on my test. I had to start studying a week before I started studying because I am the type of person to panic on a test and second guess myself. During the multiple choice questions I felt more confident while I was doing it and then when I got my test back I was shocked I did so poorly. On the written answer questions I found the last question the hardest. I have been looking at different ways to study for math last night and hopefully trying new things will help. The most important thing for me is to just do more questions. I have already been doing a lot of math lately but if I want a decent grade in this class I have to do a better job with doing more questions so when the test comes I feel confident not nervous.

Math Picure 4

A question I found hard this week was a problem in my workbook. The question asked to translate the question y=x2. I found these questions hard because I forgot when units move left it is a positive. I’m used to seeing if unit move to the left then it will become a negative and vice versa. If its translating up then it will always be a positive that won’t change and same with when its translating units down it will be the same.

Week 8 Blog Posts

This week in Math we had our unit 3 test on Factoring and The quadratic Formula. The start of the unit I found easy but once we got to completing the square I had to go home and get my parents to help me. The thing I found the hardest for this unit was completing the square. We have started doing a new unit. So far we have mainly just been plotting points and filling in T charts. This weekend I have been studying for my Mid Term on Tuesday. My mom as helped me study by writing me quizzes and finding more work for me to do.

The hardest thing I found on the test was completing the square. In this question here the first step you have to do is factor the 3 because its what’s common in the first number. Your first line would be 3(x2-4/3 x) +5. The next thing you have to do is 4/3×1/2=4/6=2/3.  You then get 2/3 squared which you have to square both numbers and you get 4/9 which is your final answer. These questions I found the hardest because I didn’t know how to start the question which is the most important part when doing these types of questions.


How to Complete the Square (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Week 7 Blog Post

This week in Math we learned about developing and applying the Quadratic formula. I have been going in at lunch to help me prepare for the next upcoming test. The group work this week has helped me out but I was still stuck on a few things so I had to ask my parents for help when I got home. At first it was hard for me to tell which number was A,B or C. Now that I have practiced it I feel like I know it now.

I have received this I report for my Math class which is something I have never received before. Having received an I report is very upsetting to me. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in school and effort is the most important thing to me. I am really trying but struggling at a course in school is a new thing for me to overcome. I am really upset with myself because I had all the blogs done, I just didn’t post them properly (I didn’t realize they were in draft form). I need to do a better job at double checking to make sure I hand in things properly. Please provide me with feedback on my blog posts and skills check so I can make the improvements and do better on my future blog posts and skills checks. I appreciate your support and encouragement moving forward in math as I really want to do better in this course.


This week I have really focussed on doing practice tests I have made for myself. I hope this will help me become more confident on this unit as well as get a better result on my unit 3 test.

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

Math Picture 4

In this question on solving the Quadratic Formula the first step you need to do is find what number is A then what number is B then what number is C. A will always be the first number in the equation. Number B is always be the middle or it has a variable x. Then C is aways the number just before the equal sign. If the number is equal to 0 than C will always be the number before the equal sign.

Math Blog Post Week 3

This week in math we started a new unit on Radical Operations and equations. So far it hasn’t been too bad as I have been doing my homework daily and If I have been stuck I have been asking my parents for some help when I need it. Something I found challenging this week was learning how to identify the values of variables for which a radical is defined. It took my a little bit to figure it out but I got some people from our class to help me and now I feel more confident In it. Hopefully this week I will learn new skills and concepts as I am always ready to learn new things. One thing I need to improve on is asking more questions if Im stuck.

For the first question you have to make sure you square root x. after you do that you need to do it’s restrictions. For this one the final answer would be x is greater than or equal to 0. For the second equation you have to do the something as you did for the first question. in this question you have to see its x-3 so the restrictions would have to be x is greater than or equal to 3. For the 3rd question the first step is to see what the restriction will be. Since 7-5x is greater than 0 than the restriction would have to be something is greater than or equal to 0. the second step is to -5x on the left side to get rid of it, you have to do the same thing to the right side. because whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other. The final answer would be 1.4 or 7/5 is greater than or equal to 0.

Restrictions on Radical Expressions • [5.1a] Pre-Calculus 11 - YouTube

Blog Post Week 4

In math this week we are learning about Radical operations and Equations. In the beginning of the week I found this week challenging because I didn’t have any prior knowledge with this unit. After we did the skills check in then middle of the week I have felt more comfterable with the equations. It really helps me when I do group work because they always help me and Im never afraid to ask questions. I need to start to study this weekend for our test coming up but I hope we can do more review and group work because it really helps me out. When I was doing the word problem on the skills check I got really confused on what to do. I had to use my creative thinking skills and try and work it out because Math is all about fixing problems and finding solutions. I had to find the perimiter of the two shapes. I didn’t realize that we had to cancel out half of the side and add one more side to make it equal.

Math Picture

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

In this Picture we are solving for x. The first step you have to do is square both sides of the equation. The second step is to -7 to both sides to try to get the x by itself. The last step is to divide both sides by 2. The final answer for this equation is x=9.